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Transformative pathways for synergising just biodiversity and climate actions

Descrizione del progetto

Percorsi abilitanti per cambiamenti positivi della biodiversità

Quando la transizione verso la neutralità climatica avrà successo, le comunità locali e la natura fioriranno. In quest’ottica, il progetto TRANSPATH, finanziato dall’UE, identificherà gli interventi individuerà gli interventi da attuare per apportare cambiamenti trasformativi a livello di consumatori, produttori e organizzazioni. Attingendo ai diversi contesti dell’Europa orientale e occidentale, dell’Africa e dell’America Latina, il progetto coinvolgerà tutte le parti interessate, ovvero coloro che influenzano e sono influenzati dai regimi commerciali e dai meccanismi di «inverdimento» associati. Studiando visioni, valori, azioni e interazioni sistemiche alternative su varie scale e nel tempo, TRANSPATH troverà i punti di leva che possono innescare cambiamenti positivi della biodiversità a cascata. Inoltre, fornirà un pacchetto di percorsi di trasformazione contenente una serie di interventi trasformativi per l’attivazione e l’abilitazione di tali percorsi.


The global biodiversity and climate crises cannot be solved in isolation or by merely ramping up what is already being done. Urgent and ambitious transformative changes are needed in our economies and societies. Through inclusive deliberation TRANSPATH identifies leverage points and interventions for triggering transformative changes at consumer, producer and organisational levels. It seeks whole-of-society opportunities for achieving climate-neutrality whilst simultaneously allowing local communities and nature to flourish. TRANSPATH draws on diverse contexts in Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Latin America, to engage with those who affect and are affected by trade regimes and associated ‘greening’ mechanisms. Through deliberation on alternative visions, values, actions, and their systemic interactions across scales and over time, TRANSPATH identifies leverage points that can trigger positive cascading biodiversity changes. Policy packages and other interventions are designed, to enable the emergence of leverage points at different scales of action in ways that changes the choice architecture underlying daily decisions. These interventions consider the synergies and trade-offs of actions across multiple people and places, and the role of incentives and political barriers to implementation. TRANSPATH delivers a suite of Transformative Pathways with a Toolbox of Transformative Interventions for triggering and enabling these pathways. A Transformative Navigation Toolkit guides practitioners on how to enable and navigate pathways, acknowledging that arriving at what constitutes a ‘transformative pathway' is also a product of an iterative and adaptive process that emerges and evolves over time. To implement these, TRANSPATH develops a multi-scalar network of activated agents of change, who can foster inclusive and legitimate decisions, and build capacity and willingness among their actor networks to collectively move forward on transformative pathways.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 769 817,50
6708 PB Wageningen
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 769 817,50

Partecipanti (8)

Partner (3)