CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Novel biodegradable, REcyclable, BIO-based and safe plastic polymers with enhanced circuLar properties for food packaging and agricUltural applicaTIONs


Biologisch abbaubare, biobasierte Alternative zu Kunststoffen für Nahrungsmittelverpackungen und in der Landwirtschaft

Kunststoffabfälle stellen weltweit eine große Gefahr für die Umwelt dar, denn sie fallen in gewaltigen Mengen an, von denen weniger als 40 % recycelt werden. In Verbindung mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Kunststoffen in der expandierenden Nahrungsmittelindustrie stellt diese Tatsache weltweit eine erhebliche Bedrohung für die Umwelt dar. Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts REBIOLUTION besteht in der Entwicklung und Einführung bahnbrechender, vollständig biobasierter und biologisch abbaubarer Polyestermischungen. Diese innovativen Werkstoffe können in verschiedenen Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen. Die Einführung dieser alternativen Polyestermischungen könnte eine entscheidende Rolle beim Ersatz von Kunststoffen in Anwendungen wie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Abdeckfolien in der Landwirtschaft spielen. Projektziel ist, durch die Verringerung des Kunststoffverbrauchs einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verringerung der durch Plastik verursachten Umweltschäden leisten.


Plastic waste poses an important environmental problem in Europe and worldwide, especially from leakage to natural habitats. Of more than 29 Mt of plastic post-consumer waste collected in the EU in 2020, the average recycling rate of packaging waste was less than 40%. Packaging is the largest end-use market of plastic demand (40.5%). Multilayer packaging (e.g. paper/plastic composites), widely used in the food and beverage industry, applies mostly polyethylene (PE) film as plastic coating.
In the agriculture sector, plastics are used to enhance crop yield, save water and agrochemicals but bear the risk of being lost during operation. Agricultural plastics market represents 3.2% of the plastic demand and the 50% increase in global food supplies expected by 2050 will lead to a substantially higher demand of plastics for mulch films (today mainly made of PE).
REBIOLUTION aims to design and synthetize novel fully bio-based and biodegradable polyester blends based on 2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) and other bio-based monomers fit for specific product-market applications selected in this project for their widespread use and negative impact on the environment: (1) plastic coating for food packaging (e.g. for frozen/chilled food or ready meal trays) and (2) mulch films for agricultural applications.
Well-defined properties will be established by carefully tuning the polymer blends for each application in order to boost the sustainability performance (non-toxic substances used, reduced non-renewable energy consumption, recyclable and at the same time home compostable and biodegradable in soil and aquatic environments) and improved functionality while ensuring product and processes safety. REBIOLUTION is committed to remove barriers to market penetration by providing a drop-in bio-based polymer blend replacement that fosters a seamless transition for the downstream value-chain, avoiding additional investment in the processing industrial lines and extra-costs for consumers


€ 1 430 353,75
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