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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Unravelling the potential of the wheat microbiome for the development of healthier, more sustainable and resilient wheat-derived food & feed products

Descripción del proyecto

Nuevas prácticas agrícolas para los cultivos de trigo

El trigo es un cultivo importante en Europa. Para que siga creciendo, los científicos están estudiando comunidades microbianas edáficas y vegetales. El proyecto WHEATBIOME, financiado con fondos europeos, reunirá a universidades y centros de investigación, empresas, agentes del sistema alimentario y autoridades gubernamentales de seis países de la Unión Europea para llevar a cabo dos estudios de casos y un demostrador a escala de laboratorio. En el proyecto se estudiará el papel de la fermentación microbiana en la calidad de los alimentos o piensos y, además, se reducirá el desperdicio de alimentos mediante la recirculación de subproductos del trigo. Otro aspecto de la investigación consistirá en explicar las interacciones entre el trigo (prebióticos, probióticos, compuestos bioactivos y proteínas inmunogénicas) y la microbiota humana o animal, así como su efecto sobre la salud humana y animal. Los resultados se emplearán para desarrollar prácticas agrícolas para lograr unos cultivos de trigo nutritivos y resilientes. En concreto, se creará un nuevo sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones.


Current food production systems face many challenges (climate change, rampant demographic development) and new sustainable approaches are urgent. Wheat is a central crop in Europe and soil and plant microbial communities are of particular interest in wheat crops since (1) they are crucial solutions for restoring soils and protecting the crops and wheat-derived products against pathogens; (2) they play a key role in regulating plant metabolisms and, thus, the quality and properties of crops; and (3) they can be promising producers for a wide range of nutritional and healthy food and feed products. However, more studies on wheat microbiomes are needed as the current data is scarce.
The WHEATBIOME project will contribute in the understanding of the role of the wheat microbiome on sustainable development by undertaking cutting-edge research with strong collaboration between academia, industry, food system actors and governmental authorities distributed along 6 EU countries, and will explore the role of microbiomes in wheat production systems in a broad approach from soil to plate to:
• Understand the effect of biotic/abiotic factors on wheat microbiomes with 2 case studies and a lab-scale demonstrator.
• Unravel the soil-plant microbiome cross-talking on wheat metabolism and nutritional quality, and deliver sustainable farming practices for resilient and nutritious wheat crops via a new decision support system (DSS).
• Discover new fermentation capacities within indigenous wheat microbiomes and develop novel foods and feeds.
• Study the role of microbial fermentations in food/feed quality and reduce food waste by recirculating wheat by-products.
• Determine the interactions between wheat (prebiotics, probiotics, bioactive compounds, immunogenic proteins, etc.) and the human/animal microbiota, and its effect on human and animal health.
• Assess the perception of food system actors and citizens about microbiomes within food systems.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 715 190,00
4060-453 Porto

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Continente Norte Área Metropolitana do Porto
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 715 190,00

Participantes (12)