CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Microbial Biopesticides to Control Disease Vectors and Agricultural Pests


Mikrobielle Biopestizide zur Bekämpfung von Krankheitsüberträgern und Schädlingen in der Landwirtschaft

Zu den nachhaltigen Zielen der grünen Biotechnologie gehören innovative Technologien, die schwächende und seltene Krankheiten bei Menschen und Pflanzen bekämpfen und einen Ersatz für chemische Prozesse darstellen, bei denen umweltschädliche Stoffe entstehen. Das Institut für Molekularbiologie und Biotechnologie der Stiftung für Forschung und Technologie Hellas (IMBB-FORTH) in Heraklion auf Kreta betreibt Pionierforschung und fördert wissenschaftliche Spitzenleistungen. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts MicroBioPest wird das Forschungsteam MicroBioPest am IMBB eingerichtet, um umweltverträgliche mikrobielle Biopestizide zu entwickeln, die auf Überträger menschlicher Krankheiten und landwirtschaftliche Schädlinge abzielen. Im Projekt werden innovative Komponenten und fortschrittliche Methoden eingesetzt, um insektizide Mikroorganismen zu bestimmen, die Eigenschaften und Wirkungsweisen mikrobieller Bio-Pestizide zu erforschen sowie Prototypen für die Produktentwicklung zu erarbeiten.


The proposed ERA Chair, Prof. George Dimopoulos, completed his PhD at IMBB-FORTH in 1996 and has through a remarkable career path (Harvard, EMBL, Imperial College, Johns Hopkins) become a world-leader in the field of vector biology/microbial biopesticides. He will establish the MicroBioPest research team at IMBB, aiming to develop environmentally safe microbial biopesticides, for tackling vectors of human diseases and agricultural pests. The research plan includes innovative components and state of the art methodologies, for the identification of insecticidal microorganisms, elucidation of the nature and mode of action of microbial bio-pesticide, and, prototype product development. This project and research line coincides with the strategic plan of the IMBB Director John Vontas, an experienced researcher in chemical insecticides (currently coordinator of two Horizon2020 and several industrial projects). This project is aligned with his Green Biotechnology sustainable development goals, and the RIS3 of the Prefecture of Crete, in a region where agriculture and tourism are the main pillars for the economy. MicroBioPest will be supported by structural reforms, such as: (i) the establishment of a Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) lab for work with vector pathogens, (ii) the allocation of space within the €60M investment by the EBI, for “Research, Training and Innovation Center” for hosting the sustainable Biotech-Biopesticide Center (BIOPEST) that will evolve from MicroBioPest, and (iii) operational procedures that will strengthen the Technology Transfer capacity of IMBB. The project will form a powerful and inspiring example of brain gain for the broader EU. It will train and educate young scientists towards pragmatic career prospects in Academia and industry. It will form a unique scientific niche in Greece, with significant impact on the society via tailored communication platforms for target groups, and offer alternative eco-friendly solutions to control insect pests.


€ 2 500 000,00
70013 Irakleio

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Νησιά Αιγαίου Κρήτη Ηράκλειο
Research Organisations
€ 2 500 000,00