CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CogBooster: Rebooting Psychological Research through Cognitive Neuroscience


Unterstützung der kognitiven neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung in Portugal

Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts CogBooster ist, an der Universität Coimbra in Portugal eine Forschungslinie im Bereich der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften zu unterstützen. Das Projekt beabsichtigt, das Forschungspotenzial des Fachbereichs Psychologie der Universität mit dem anderer europäischer Einrichtungen in Einklang zu bringen. Zu diesem Zweck wird es die Einstellung von neuem talentierten Forschungspersonal finanzieren sowie die Ausbildung der Studierenden in der Grundlagenpsychologie und den kognitiven Neurowissenschaften verbessern. Die Projektaktivitäten werden sich gleichermaßen auf die breitere akademische Gemeinschaft auswirken, da die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Gesellschaft zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Insgesamt wird das Projekt die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Qualität der Forschung an der Universität Coimbra verbessern.


CogBooster aims at contributing to closing the research gap in Psychology between Widening and non-Widening countries by implementing a strong line of research in the area of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Psychology Department of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. It will do so under the leadership of one of the most respected and highly cited researchers in the fields of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience – Alfonso Caramazza. Importantly for CogBooster, Alfonso Caramazza successfully created and led research centers and departments to excellence in the field of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, both in the United States of America, as well as in Europe.
CogBooster will promote an institutional reform to align the Coordinator Institution with the cutting-edge psychological research and education currently provided in the Psychology Departments within non-widening European countries, and in the top Psychology Departments in the world. A close inspection of the major differences between Psychology Departments in Widening and non-Widening countries suggests that the presence of strong and dominant lines of research in Cognitive Neuroscience marks the divide between these two groups of countries in what concerns Psychology. To contribute to closing this research gap and increasing research quality and competitiveness at the University of Coimbra, the institutional reform under CogBooster will focus on: 1) attracting talents in the area of Cognitive Neuroscience to Portugal; 2) improving research and education, by providing top notch training in an area that is central for resolving complex societal challenges; and 3) bringing these scientific outputs to society. Overall, the scope of this action extends to the whole system: academia, target users (e.g. students), and the wider community. A group of prestigious and influential Cognitive Neuroscientists will advise on the different steps of the project, providing also a clear view for the future of Psychology.


€ 2 499 827,50
3004-531 Coimbra

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Continente Centro (PT) Região de Coimbra
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 499 827,50