CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Pulmonary delivery of anticancer drug via an inhaled responsive nanogel with stealth ability and high targetability


Verbesserte Wirksamkeit inhalierbarer Nanogele zur Lungenkrebsbehandlung

Nanogele sind vielversprechende wirkstofftragende Systeme, die Therapeutika gezielt an Zellen im Körper abgeben können. In jüngster Zeit kommen sie auf vielfältige Weise bei der Behandlung von Erkrankungen und Beschwerden, auch bei Krebs, zum Einsatz. Obwohl die pulmonale Therapeutikaverabreichung in Form inhalierbarer Nanogele als vorteilhaft für die Lungenkrebsbehandlung erachtet wird, müssen vor einer breiter angelegten Anwendung noch etliche Herausforderungen gemeistert werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PuDeRegels wird die Effizienz der Nanogele verbessern, damit sie Krebsmedikamente präzise und sicher durch das Atmungssystem in die Lunge transportieren können. Mithilfe einer Kombination aus Fachwissen in Polymerwissenschaft und chemischer Biologie wird PuDeRegels die Probleme bei der Verkapselung des Krebsmedikaments, der gezielten Abgabe, der Wirkstofffreisetzung, der Biokompatibilität und der Makrophagenevasion lösen.


In this project, I will investigate and develop nanogels incorporated into microgels containing encapsulated anticancer drugs. These nanogels will be delivered via the respiratory system to the lung, selectively swell and deliberate the therapeutic. Importance will be given to targeting moieties, stealth moieties, and biocompatibility. The delivery of drugs for lung cancer is limited but is under investigation and on the rise of inquiry. Some of the challenges this type of technology faces are the efficient encapsulation of the bioactive compound inside a nanocarrier, the targeted delivery, the release of the drug, the biocompatibility with the lung, and the avoidance of the macrophages. New methodologies for better delivery of therapeutics are of great importance at the National and International levels. New materials and technologies are emerging every year. The delivery of therapeutics for lung cancer is based mainly on intravenous therapies. Another way of introducing drugs into the area of importance in the lung could be pulmonary drug delivery as a good alternative. Pulmonary delivery is not a new technology but is strictly limited to specific conditions/illnesses. The research capitalizes on the existing strengths of the experienced researcher (ER) in polymer science and the expertise of the host institute in chemical biology in health, drug research, and biotechnology. It will lead to several publications in high-impact factor journals, transfer of knowledge and expertise that could be capitalized at an industrial level, thus contributing to the research output, distinctness, and economy of Europe. Overall, the fellowship will allow the ER to reintegrate into a long-term academic position after many years of fruitful research career in the academic sector in Spain. After this project, the ER will obtain new knowledge and training that will help him to establish a solid point for a better opportunity both in Academy and in Industry.


€ 169 326,72
11635 Athina

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