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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Assembly Lines In CIrculAtion – smart digital tools for the sustainable, human-centric and resilient use of production resources

Descrizione del progetto

Un futuro circolare per i vecchi bracci robotici

Più della metà dei bracci robotici industriali, dei nastri trasportatori e di altri mezzi di produzione viene solitamente sostituita e messa fuori servizio prematuramente,per essere così rottamata o venduta come pezzi di ricambio. Il progetto ALICIA, finanziato dall’UE, invertirà questa tendenza e contribuirà alla creazione di un’economia circolare. Progetterà un ecosistema manifatturiero circolare in modo che le risorse produttive vengano scambiate e riutilizzate il più possibile tra le fabbriche in Europa. Tale approccio sarà testato in due ambienti industriali reali. Le innovazioni alla base di ALICIA comprendono un’ontologia leggibile dalla macchina per la mappatura dei requisiti dei proprietari delle fabbriche e un motore di ricerca di corrispondenza IA per combinare le risorse esistenti delle fabbriche con le risorse di seconda mano provenienti dal mercato online di ALICIA.


A large part of production assets such as robotic arms, conveyor belts do not reach their maximal lifetime and become prematurely obsolescent. Anecdotal evidence from the automotive industry suggests that 60% to 70% of production resources is prematurely taken out of operation, scrapped, or at best sold for spare parts.
The aim of ALICIA is to create and demonstrate a Circular Manufacturing Ecosystem (CME) for production resources, such as robotic arms or conveyor belts. The underlaying vision is that within five to ten years, production resources will be traded and reused to their maximum utility in-between factories in Europe, ultimately contributing to “closing the loop” of production assets as circular economy subjects.
The project aim will be achieved by integrating and demonstrating in two real industrial environments (at Continental and Comau) a combination of innovative and symbiotic digital tools as key enabling technologies behind the ALICIA CME, ultimately enabling to design, deploy, run, decommission and re-circulate second-hand production lines 40% faster, reduce material consumption by up to 80% and reuse up to 100% of the assets. The innovations behind ALICIA include a machine-readable ontology for mapping factory owner requirements, an AI-matchmaking engine for combining incumbent factory assets with second-hand assets coming from the ALICIA online marketplace, a Plug & Produce middleware for seamlessly connecting the production assets and a Digital Shadow/Digital Twin to ramp-up and operate the ALICIA second-hand line. Novel Circularity-as-a-Service business models will be evaluated.
ALICIA addresses the EU “machinery and equipment” as well as “machinery repair service” market segments, which together contributed 288 Billion EUR in value added to the EU economy in 2018. ALICIA is expected to contribute to increasing the EU’s resilience against disruptions in global supply chains and significantly contribute to the creation of a circular economy.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 876 916,00
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Muenchen

Mostra sulla mappa

Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 876 916,25

Partecipanti (12)