CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Blueprint demonstration for co-created effective, efficient and resilient networks of MPAs


Vernetzung für Förderung und Schutz mariner Ökosysteme

Die Ausweisung von Meeresschutzgebieten ist ein entscheidendes Werkzeug, um Artenschwund und Störungen der Meeresökosysteme aufzuhalten. Meeresschutzgebiete werden in der Regel ausgewiesen, um die Artenvielfalt vor vermeidbaren Bedrohungen zu schützen. Hierfür soll das EU-finanzierte Projekt BLUE4ALL regulatorische staatliche Anforderungen an (verbundene) europäische Meeresschutzgebiete mit den Erwartungen der Gesellschaft an Regierungen in Einklang bringen. Ziel sind wirksame, widerstandsfähige Schutzgebiete sowie deren Vernetzung, um letztlich die Ziele der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030 zu erfüllen. Das Projekt mobilisiert hierfür Interessengruppen von 25 Informationsstandorten und Reallabore in Regionen des gesamten Mittelmeerraums, der Ostsee und des Nordostatlantiks. Dies soll den Wissenstransfer fördern, um gemeinsam robuste und reproduzierbare soziale, politische, ökologische und Umweltschutzinstrumente zu entwickeln.


BLUE4ALL will align top-down regulatory demands about European (networks of) MPAs with bottom-up societal expectations as a guarantee for achieving effective, efficient and resilient MPAs and networks of MPAs which meet EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 objectives. By mobilizing stakeholders from BLUE4ALL’s 25 information sites and Living Labs, i.e. locations across the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea and the North-East Atlantic regions where (networks of) MPAs have been established and from which lessons learned can be drawn about success and failure relative to how challenges were tackled, we will co-create robust and replicable social, governance, ecological and environmental tools to meet conservation and/or restoration objectives in socially sustainable and acceptable ways. These science-based tools will be tested in Living Labs, i.e. locations where (networks of) MPAs are in the process of establishment and where these tools can be fed into the ongoing MPA process. The operationalized and tested frameworks will ultimately be generalized into a Blueprint Platform for the co-creation of effective, efficient and resilient (networks of) MPAs. This scheme will separate generically encountered challenges and applied solutions from MPA (network)-specific challenges and solutions and develop guidance in a user-friendly manner to end-users (i.e. MPA (network) managers and authorities). This guidance will take the shape of an interactive web-based Blueprint Platform directing the end-users to those challenges and solutions most applicable to their site(s). User-friendliness and applicability will be maximized by cross-checking the Blueprint Platform development with the actors and stakeholders of the Living Labs throughout the whole process of its development. Knowledge transfer and interaction with stakeholders and society-at-large at local to regional scales will lead to the development of a platform for MPA networking to interact with communities of practice boosting the BLUE4ALL legacy to its ultimate goal to restore our oceans and waters.


€ 1 019 450,00
1000 Bruxelles / Brussel

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Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Research Organisations
€ 1 019 450,00

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