CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Transforming crafts knowledge for a sustainable, inclusive and economically viable heritage in Europe


Eine Hightech-Lösung zur Erhaltung des traditionellen handwerklichen Wissens

Im Zeitalter der Massenproduktion wird die filigrane und detailgenaue Arbeit handwerklicher Objekte mehr denn je geschätzt. Die Erhaltung hängt jedoch von der Weitergabe des traditionellen Handwerkswissens ab. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt Tracks4Crafts das traditionelle Handwerk mit einem zukunftsorientierten Ansatz für das Kulturerbe in Einklang bringen. Gegenwärtig sind die Werkzeuge, Formate und Instrumente, die zur Förderung der Weitergabe und Nutzung von traditionellem handwerklichen Wissen erforderlich sind, nicht ausreichend vorhanden. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden Räume für die Zusammenarbeit (Hightech-Umgebungen, einschließlich FabLabs) geschaffen und neue digitale Technologien entwickelt, die das Übertragungswissen verbessern und verändern. Im Projekt werden zudem Werkzeuge und Instrumente entworfen, die es ermöglichen, den Wert des erzeugten Wissens zu erfassen und zu optimieren (Geschäftsmodellierung, Zertifizierung und Schutz des Eigentums).


Tracks4Crafts examines and transforms the transmission of traditional crafts knowledge (TCK) to enhance the societal and economic valuation of crafts and align them with a future-oriented heritage approach in Europe. As intangible cultural heritage (ICH), crafts and TCK can be seen as resources for competitiveness, innovation, and sustainable development and quality of life, contributing to SDG 4, 8 and 11. Yet the tools, formats and instruments needed to foster the transmission and employment of TCK are lagging behind, which hampers the full development of its potential. Our objectives are to enhance and transform the transmission of TCK for a more effective economic as well as societal valuation of crafts. This is achieved in 4 Tracks, in which we (1) transform learning processes in physical spaces in which crafts people collaborate (in hi-tech environments, including fablabs and maker spaces etc.), (2) develop new digital technologies that enhance and transform transmission of TCK, (3) produce tools and instruments which enable capturing and optimising the value of the produced TCK (business modelling, certification and property protection), and (4) create networks to foster and disseminate the societal and economic value of TCK (e.g. through the CHARTER-alliance). The output is based on experiments in 8 craft ecosystems in which we develop and test formats for learning and tools for certification and validation in which (1) the economic and cultural barriers related to traditional TCK-transmission are addressed (i.a. the lengthy nature of learning, the fear of the craft getting lost…) and (2) the full potential of technology is tapped (i.a. for turning embodied TCK in open-source knowledge). To ensure that the solutions bridge the heritage perspective and the economic and societal needs and that our solutions are shared and transferable, our approach is deeply interdisciplinary and based on processes of multi-stakeholder co-creation (including action research).


€ 881 873,75
2000 Antwerpen

Auf der Karte ansehen

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 881 873,75

Beteiligte (13)

Partner (1)