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Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 1 - MObility managemenT multImodal envirOnment aNd digitAl enabLers

Description du projet

Le moment est venu de redéfinir le transport ferroviaire

Afin de jeter les bases d’une innovation ferroviaire continue, EU-Rail (l’initiative de l’Europe axée sur les technologies ferroviaires) se concentrera sur la numérisation, l’automatisation et la connectivité. Dans ce contexte, le projet FP1 MOTIONAL offrira à tous les acteurs de l’industrie ferroviaire un accès numérique à un système de données partagé. Il permettra d’améliorer la planification et la gestion opérationnelle des services et des offres et, à ce titre, revêt une importance capitale pour atteindre l’objectif européen ambitieux qui consiste à faire du rail le mode de transport privilégié de demain. À l’heure actuelle, le trafic ferroviaire est géré au niveau national/régional et est assuré par des systèmes existants qui offrent un faible niveau de numérisation. Le projet est en cohérence avec les efforts consentis par l’UE pour accélérer la transition de la route vers le rail.


“MOTIONAL” will enable the improved planning and operational management of services and offers and is therefore of paramount importance to meet the European ambitious target to make rail the preferred mode of transport in the future. It will enable the future European railway system to be interoperable, resilient, able to adapt capacity and able to integrate all involved services including last mile operations, exploiting the opportunities provided by digitalization. The “MOTIONAL” developments for the future European Traffic Management are key to achieve the foreseen Single European Rail Area. Today, rail traffic is managed on national/regional level supported by legacy systems with a poor level of digitalization and weak integration with systems of other actors participating in the overall traffic planning and management process. Through the development of functional requirements, associated specifications and operational or technological solutions and by taking advantage of the potential of digitalization, “MOTIONAL” will pave the way towards the implementation of the future European Rail Traffic Management System to make rail the backbone of a multimodal transport system for passengers and freight. The planned activities to achieve the objectives of Destination 1 are carried out in two major workstreams. Workstream 1 has the three major focus areas, Planning and Operation activities (dealing with the future interactively linked timetable planning and operational traffic management systems) and Integration activities (dealing with railway services to offer door-to-door mobility). Workstream 2 will deliver a set of digital enablers for all Europe’s Rail Destinations (i.e.“transversal”) to support the development of destination-specific digitalization solutions as Digitalization is a fundamental transformational process encompassing the Rail System as a whole.



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 296 067,00
30163 Hannover

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Niedersachsen Hannover Region Hannover
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (87)

Partenaires (1)