CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Building resilient research ethics, Diagnostics and medicines regulatory capacity during routine and public health emergency periods


Verbesserung der Vorsorge Tansanias für Epidemien und Pandemien

Behörden und Ethikkommissionen müssen für Reaktionen auf Pandemien vorsorgen. Mit Finanzierung im Rahmen der Partnerschaft Europas und der Entwicklungsländer im Bereich klinischer Studien wird Tansania bei der Verbesserung der Verwaltung klinischer Studien und der Arzneimittelsicherheit unterstützt. Die Regulierung von Gesundheitstechnologien hat sich jedoch in Notfällen wie COVID-19 als schwierig erwiesen, was vor allem auf die begrenzten Kapazitäten zurückzuführen ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BREEDIME zielt darauf ab, die Bereitschaft Tansanias für Epidemien und Pandemien zu verbessern. Konkret wird das Projektteam die Regulierungskapazitäten des Landes für klinische Studien im Zusammenhang mit Impfstoffen, Therapeutika und Diagnostika ausbauen und die Fähigkeit des Landes verbessern, Gesundheitstechnologien zu bewerten und zu beurteilen, sobald sie auf dem Markt sind. Zudem wird es einen Ethikrahmen für den Austausch von Gesundheitsdaten schaffen und ein Süd-Süd-Lernzentrum für die Regulierung klinischer Studien einrichten.


An effective and strong regulatory system for health technologies is critical, especially during epidemics and pandemic situations. The demand for rapid approval and application of a variety of health technologies including diagnostics and medicines during COVID-19 has reawakened the world to the urgent need to have resilient regulatory capacities that can respond in a timely manner with corresponding efficiency. National Medicines Regulatory Authorities and Research Ethics Committees are duty bound to prepare and be ready to respond in any health emergency. Through EDCTP-2-funded projects namely SMERT, PROFORMA, PAVIA and ASCEND, substantial progress has been made on strengthening some procedures for clinical trial control and pharmacovigilance. These projects have enabled Tanzania to attain WHO Maturity level 3, making it a role model in East Africa. Despite of this, health technologies regulation in Tanzania has struggled to cope with emergencies as witnessed in the COVID-19 pandemics due to limited capacity in the area of Research Ethics, therapeutics, vaccines, medical devices and other health technologies. We now propose BREEDIME to further build our capacity in the context of epidemic and pandemic preparedness. BREEDIME will enable Tanzania to achieve rapid response clinical trial regulatory capacity for therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics; capacity for post-market evaluation and appraisal of health technologies; establish research ethics framework for electronic health data and materials storage, access and sharing within and outside the country; and establish a south-south learning centre in clinical trials regulatory and ethical review capacities. These objectives will be achieved through engagement of stakeholders in academia, civil society, public and government to generate evidence to inform new regulatory guidelines. This will strengthen health technologies regulation and will enable rapid access to health care and technology during emergency. Rwanda, which recently established her Food and Drugs Agency will become the first mentee under the BREEDIME south-south networking in ethics and medicines regulatory capacity building. The impact of the outputs of this study will be ensuring safety of pre- and post- registration health technologies in Tanzania and East Africa at large.



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