CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Exploring Complex Realities Around Gender Based Violence, Multiple Legal Orders and Role of Police in Addressing GBV Cases in Pakistan and Pakistani Immigrant Community in Norway


Gemeinschaftsorientierte Lösungen für geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt

Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt ist grenzüberschreitend und betrifft Personen ungeachtet von sozialem Status, Standort oder Alter. Wie in vielen Ländern der Welt ist auch in Pakistan zunehmend geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt ein Problem, trotz umfangreicher Rechtsetzungsbemühungen. Unterstützt über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen dient das Projekt GBV_COP_SOC als Hoffnungsschimmer. In dieser bahnbrechenden Initiative werden die geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekte dieser Art von Gewalt in pakistanischen Familien in Norwegen und Pakistan untersucht. Dabei wird die bürgernahe Polizeiarbeit als Alternative zu Top-down-Strategien geprüft. Die Forschenden wollen die Wirksamkeit bürgernaher Polizeiarbeit bei der Bekämpfung von geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt bewerten und die Dynamik des Rechtspluralismus erklären, um wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Eindämmung dieser Gewalt in einer sich ständig verändernden Welt bereitzustellen.


Violence occurs in all countries, rich or poor, developed or developing, irrespective of caste, creed, color, social status, wealth, urban or rural residence, or the ages of victim and aggressor. Keeping this in mind, this study is designed to understand gendered aspects of Gender based violence in Pakistan and Pakistani Families living in Norway. Despite extensive legislation and steps taken by the federal and provincial government, the plague of GBV is at rise in Pakistan and rest of the world. Interestingly, to address the GBV issue at state level, community policing has emerged as an alternative approach to conventional, top-down approach to ensure Human security . Community policing also addresses gender inclusive policing which in response provides room to address serious issues like gender based violence. Such community based approaches to policing are instrumental in addressing the sensitive issues like GBV, however, the effectiveness of these approaches in complexed contexts are under-researched and debated in recent scholarship. Similarly, it is equally interesting to understand the choices people make in legally pluralistic societies because it will provide greater understanding to reflect on how people maneuver, negotiate and choose the legal system to address GBV . At the Norwegian level, it would be very valuable to review how police works with GBV victims from immigrant communities from Pakistan .Hence, there is need to understand the gaps and challenges within the designed mechanism to curb GBV with special focus on gendered social relations, legal pluralism and why it is important for police to understand contextual complexity . Qualitative data collection method will be used to collect data both from Pakistan and Norway. Study is framed from grains from various filed of studies like Security, feminism, IR, Legal and Development Studies to ensure interdisciplinarity.


€ 210 911,04
1433 As

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Norge Oslo og Viken Viken
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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