Descrizione del progetto
In che modo preservare gli ecosistemi corallini mesofotici
Le conoscenze relative al modo in cui gli ecosistemi corallini mesofotici presenti nelle isole e nelle montagne marine remote dell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale rispondono ai fattori di stress sono scarse. Con il sostegno del programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto MOANA colmerà questa lacuna di conoscenza, mappando i refugia e le zone vulnerabili futuri per una selezione di specie pertinenti sotto il profilo ecologico e socio-economico. Il progetto fornirà informazioni a sostegno dell’attuazione di politiche di adattamento e mitigazione nelle zone del Pacifico meridionale, quali la potenziale creazione di aree marine protette mobili e corridoi blu. Strutturato come una collaborazione tra due centri di ricerca di punta, il Barcelona Supercomputing Center e il Centro per l’ecologia e la gestione sostenibile delle isole oceaniche, il progetto propone una metodologia e strumenti che potrebbero essere applicati a livello globale ad altri modelli di conservazione degli ecosistemi in zone simili.
The mesophotic coral ecosystems are described as warm water light-dependent corals and associated communities inhabiting depths from 30 m to over 150 m in tropical and subtropical regions. These ecosystems present high ecological relevance as they can act as potential re-seeding areas for shallow ecosystems, harbor endemic and rare species, and provide suitable habitats to support the populations of many species of fishes and crustaceans. MOANA will address the knowledge gaps in how these ecosystems respond to climate-related stressors in the remote South-Pacific oceanic islands and seamounts by providing maps of future refugia and vulnerable areas for a selection of ecologically and socio-economically relevant species. The innovative approach envisaged in MOANA, using global high-resolution Earth System Model outputs, combined with Species Distribution Models, will provide essential information to assist in the implementation of adaptation and mitigation policies in South Pacific areas through the potential creation of marine protection tools as Mobile Marine Protected Areas and/or Blue corridors. Moreover, MOANA methodology and tools could be easily applied to assist other ecosystem preservation in similar areas, such as the Small Island Developing States (e.g. Caribbean Islands, North Pacific Islands), large-scale systems from the North Pacific (Marquise Islands- American Samoa - Hawaii - Japan), middle scale systems from the Atlantic basin (Azores, Madeira, Canarias) and even smaller scale systems from the Mediterranean (Baleares, Corse, Sicily, Cerdenya, Malta).
Two leading Research Centers will be involved in the project, the Host Institution, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC, Spain), and the Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic Islands, (ESMOI, Chile), a research center focused on biodiversity and local management of the southeast Pacific islands.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-PF - MSCA-PFCoordinatore
08034 Barcelona