CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Optimizing the Adsorption of water vapour to enhance the Sequestration of Inorganic carbon and phototrophs activity in dry Soils


Erforschung der natürlichen mineralischen Karbonisierung zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels

Die mineralische Karbonisierung erweist sich als vielversprechende Lösung zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels. Der Bewirtschaftung und Aufwertung ihrer natürlichen Vorkommen wurde jedoch nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Das über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt OASIS soll diese Lücke schließen, indem Forschungen zur verstärkten Gesteinsverwitterung durchgeführt werden, um diesen langsamen Prozess zu beschleunigen. Darüber hinaus wird das Projektteam die Wasserdampfadsorption in Trockengebieten untersuchen, die potenziell wertvolle langfristige CO2-Senken bieten. Mit OASIS soll durch Experimente und Infrastrukturen zur Simulation von Bedingungen und Klimawandel unser Verständnis der natürlichen mineralischen Karbonisierung verbessert werden. Letztlich geht es darum, Schlussfolgerungen über den Nutzen von verstärkter Gesteinsverwitterung in Trockengebieten zu ziehen. Die Projektergebnisse sollen überzeugende Argumente für die Umsetzung von Erhaltungsmaßnahmen und die Förderung nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken in Trockengebieten liefern.


Mineral carbonation is based on the reaction of CO2 with metal oxide bearing materials to precipitate insoluble carbonates, with calcium being one of the most attractive metals. While the development of industrial carbonation processes has been recommended to mitigate climate change, its natural occurrence in soils and its potential enhancement through management practices has received little attention so far. Since natural carbonation is commonly considered to be a slow process, spreading powder of non-carbonated, calcium-bearing minerals over soils, a strategy known as enhanced rock weathering (ERW), is a promising way to accelerate it. While humid tropical areas are generally regarded as having the greatest potential for ERW, recent evidence suggests that carbonation may also be significant in drylands, driven by water vapour adsorption (WVA) by soil at night, potentially representing an overlooked long-term carbon sink. The general objective of the OASIS project is to assess the potential of ERW in dryland soils. Its main underlying assumption is that optimizing WVA with amendment of highly adsorbent ground rock will maximize the carbonation process while reducing the dependence of phototrophic organisms on rainfall or irrigation. To tackle this objective, OASIS will implement field and mesocosm manipulative experiments using cutting-edge infrastructure to control environmental conditions and simulate climate change. These will be coupled to state-of-the-art measurements and isotopic tracing of soil-atmosphere water vapor and CO2 fluxes. This research will contribute to filling several gaps in our understanding of natural carbonation and its interactions with WVA, organisms, and climate change. It is also expected to provide solid arguments to implement conservation measures and sustainable agricultural practices in drylands or seasonally dry lands to protect and increase water and carbon resources, in line with several European and global guidelines.


€ 261 380,64
03690 Alicante

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Este Comunitat Valenciana Alicante/Alacant
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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