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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy


Die elektronische Industrie für ein grünes Europa erneuern

Die elektronische Industrie ist zu einem der Hauptschwerpunkte im Europäischen Grünen Deal und anderen Initiativen im Bereich Umweltschutz geworden. Das besorgniserregend steigende Abfallaufkommen und der untragbare Bedarf an Rohmaterialien entlang der Wertschöpfungskette haben die Alarmglocken schrillen lassen, insbesondere in Anbetracht der merklichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Über das EU-finanzierte Projekt SUSTRONICS soll der elektronischen Industrie in Europa neues Leben eingehaucht werden, indem sie auf diese Ziele ausgerichtet wird. Das Hauptziel des Projekts besteht darin, Elektronik mit einem Fokus auf zirkulären Wertschöpfungsketten, mehr Wiederverwendbarkeit, umweltgerechte Gestaltung, biobasierte Materialien und mehr Rezyklierbarkeit umzugestalten. Die Machbarkeit soll letztendlich über ein Pilotprogramm validiert werden, bei dem es um die Umgestaltung medizinischer und industrieller Geräte geht.


The EU requires also electronics industry to achieve the ambitious goals of the EU Green Deal, Circular Economy Action Plan and Industrial Strategy for reduction of energy and material consumption, and utilization of circular value chains. Sustronics project is targeting to improve capabilities of European electronics industry to meet these goals and develop new business opportunities from sustainable and greener electronics combined with increase in productivity and new functionalities.

The current electronic industry poses significant environmental impacts, such as increasing amount of e-waste, great demand for critical raw materials, and high energy consumption during manufacturing. Electronics industry can specifically decrease its environmental burden by shifting from fossil-based materials to bio-based materials, decreasing use of metals, utilizing additive manufacturing processes, and developing miniaturized and integrated components, but also in broader scope by utilizing efficient circular economy business models that enable reuse, recycle and repair of critical materials and components.

Sustronics main goal is to support renewal of European electronics industry towards circular economy, eco-design, bio-based materials, and material- and energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Thereby, Sustronics will re-design electronics products into circular, compostable and reusable products, and demonstrate that there are business opportunities in sustainable electronics.

Quantification of environmental impact, definition of business models, involvement of external stakeholders, and means to guarantee compatibility with policies and standards will guide the project implementation. The pilots will focus on healthcare, diagnostics, and industrial sectors, including topics such as medical and personal health devices, single-use and wearable diagnostics, sustainable lighting solutions and embedded electronics for automotive.


€ 185 109,38
5656 AG Eindhoven

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Zuid-Nederland Noord-Brabant Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 740 437,50

Beteiligte (43)

Partner (3)