CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Concept for Higher Altitude Operations Phase 2: Towards the integration between Air Traffic Management and Higher Altitude Operations


Eine neue Sicht auf die Integration des europäischen Luftraums

Im erweiterten europäischen Luftraum über 55 000 Fuß über dem Meeresspiegel wird ein deutlicher Anstieg des Flugbetriebs erwartet. Dieser entsteht durch Neueinsteiger aus der Luft- und Raumfahrtbranche, wobei jährliche Umsätze in Milliardenhöhe abzusehen sind. Das bestehende europäische System zum Flugverkehrsmanagement ist jedoch nicht darauf ausgelegt, diesen Betrieb in höheren Flughöhen nahtlos zu integrieren, da hier spezielle Sicherheits- und Betriebsanforderungen gelten. Daher soll über das EU-finanzierte Projekt ECHO 2 das Flugverkehrsmanagementsystem modernisiert und harmonisiert werden. Gleichzeitig werden kritische Probleme bei der Echtzeitüberwachung, operativen Integration und zu rechtlichen Herausforderungen gelöst. Im Projekt kommen Interessengruppen zusammen, um die Zukunft der Lüfte vorzubereiten. Auch Normung und rechtliche Aspekte werden im Projekt berücksichtigt.


The European airspace above FL550 is expected to become an area where operations will significantly expand as a result of increased new entrants presence representing both aviation and space domains, with estimated business values in the order of billions of euros per year.
The European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, including ATC’s operational procedures and systems, needs modernization and adaptation to allow seamless integration of Higher Altitude Operations (HAO) because of vastly different characteristics of vehicles and associated operational, safety and performance requirements.
ECHO-2 will build on the deliverables of the ECHO (European Concept of Higher airspace Operations) project, starting from the Concept of Operations, to propose validated solutions paving the way towards the operational integration of HAO in ATM, on three directions:
- Space Launch Real Time Monitoring Module and associated working station for the European ATM Network Manager for increased situational awareness at Network level, supporting Air Traffic Flow Management as well as crisis and contingency management.
- Procedural Package covering specific ground and air-ground operational integration issues (including for communications, navigation and surveillance means) associated with the integration of High-Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) operations into ATM
- Procedural Package covering specific ground and air-ground operational integration issues (including for communications, navigation and surveillance means) associated with the integration of supersonic, hypersonic and suborbital vehicles operations into ATM.
These solutions will propose all the elements needed by the European ATM Network operational stakeholders for a rapid, harmonized and cost-effective implementation of a European approach towards the integration between ATM and HAO, at TRL6 maturity. They will also include assessments of potential specific related standardization and regulatory activities.



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