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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Graphene Alliance for Sustainable Multifunctional Materials to Tackle Environmental Challenges

Descrizione del progetto

Materiali multifunzionali sostenibili a base di grafene e materiali correlati

Il grafene e i materiali a esso correlati hanno diverse applicazioni; la loro utilizzabilità, tuttavia, dipende dalla relativa riciclabilità. Il progetto GIANCE, finanziato dall'UE, affronta le sfide ambientali creando compositi, rivestimenti, schiume e membrane multifunzionali sostenibili, leggeri e riciclabili a base di grafene e materiali correlati. Il progetto si prefigge di fornire materiali dotati di proprietà migliorate, tra cui funzionalità termiche, meccaniche e chimiche come la resistenza all'usura, la resistenza alla corrosione, la resistenza chimica e al fuoco, la durezza, la resistenza agli urti, la resistenza alle alte temperature, il monitoraggio della salute strutturale, le superfici a bassissimo attrito e lo stoccaggio dell'idrogeno. GIANCE intende migliorare i processi di produzione e sviluppare 11 prodotti abilitati al grafene e ai materiali a esso correlati per settori come l'automobilistico, l'aerospaziale, l'energetico e quello del trattamento delle acque, sostenendo inoltre l'iniziativa Graphene Flagship.


GIANCE offers innovative solutions to environmental challenges and establishes a holistic, integrated, and industrial-driven platform for the design, development, and scalable fabrication of the next generation of cost-effective, sustainable, lightweight, recyclable graphene and related materials (GRM)-based multifunctional composites, coatings, foams, and membranes (GRM-bM) with enhanced properties (e.g. thermal, mechanical, chemical), functionalities (e.g. wear, corrosion, chemical and fire resistance, hardness and impact resistance, high temperature resistance, structural health monitoring, ultralow friction surfaces), and as enablers for hydrogen storage. GIANCE will also advance manufacturing processes, enhancing synthesis and stability and reducing environmental impact. Such GRM-bM and manufacturing capabilities will allow robust connections with end-users and thus develop and qualify the commercial propositions to high TRLs. GIANCE will develop, demonstrate, and validate the efficacy of GRM-enabled products (11 use cases) which will underlie future technologies for different sectors (e.g. automotive, aerospace, energy (hydrogen economy) and water treatment). GIANCE also supports the innovation output and industrialization efforts of the Graphene Flagship initiative, building a credible pathway for the newly accumulated knowledge to impact EU industry and society. GIANCE will support a strong EU value chain in translating technology advances from TRL4-5 into concrete innovation opportunities and production capabilities (TRL6-7), with first-mover market advantages of scale in the defined industrial sectors. The consortium consists of 23 partners from 10 countries, representing the full value chain, with leading OEMs, large industries, world-class research and education organisations, and innovative SMEs. GIANCE is designed to ensure maximum impact for the defined industries and society as a whole, significantly contributing to the evolving field of GRM.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 686 062,50
08290 Cerdanyola Del Valles (Barcelona)

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 686 062,50

Partecipanti (20)

Partner (2)