CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unite! Doctoral Network in Energy Storage


Eine Wasserstoff-Vision für nachhaltige Energiespeicherung

Bei der Einführung erneuerbarer Energien sticht ein Dilemma heraus: Die effiziente Speicherung von überschüssigem Strom, der in Zeiten geringer Nachfrage erzeugt wird. Finanziert über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen kommen im Projekt Unite.Energy europäische Universitäten, Unternehmen und Einrichtungen zusammen, um Wasserstoff als chemisches Medium zur Energiespeicherung zu nutzen. Der Wasserstoff wird durch moderne Methoden zur Elektrolyse und Photoelektrolyse gewonnen. Mit dem Vorhaben sollen die Kosten in allen Bereichen, von der Erzeugung bis zur Speicherung und Nutzung, gesenkt und die Ökoeffizienz maximiert werden. Neben technologischen Fortschritten sollen über Unite.Energy neue Generation unternehmerisch orientierter Forschender gefördert werden, um die Integration von Wasserstoff in den Energiesektor über interdisziplinäre Spitzenleistungen auszubauen.


Unite!Energy builds on the coordination effort of academic institutions of the Unite! Alliance, composed of eight of the most prestigious universities in Europe, together with seven companies and three institutions that closely cooperate in the context of a doctoral training programme. The focus of the proposal is the use of hydrogen to store excess electrical energy generated off-peak from a renewable energy plant and its use for the generation of electricity at peak demand, that is, chemical energy storage. Hydrogen is produced through electrolysis and photoelectrolysis, stored on site and used to generate electricity in a fuel cell. Our aim is to increase the cost-competitiveness of chemical energy storage using hydrogen by reducing the end-to-end costs of electricity produced from renewable sources, and the costs of electrolysis, storage and fuel cell technologies. At the same time, the objective is to increase efficiency and minimise the environmental impact. The ultimate objective of Unite!Energy is to prepare a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial, innovative researchers who can develop a successful career in the integration of hydrogen in the energy field. Researchers will be exposed to scientific and technological excellence, in highly reputed European technological universities. The programme will be developed in an attractive institutional environment, shared by more than 200 k students in Europe, with interdisciplinary research options, from more fundamental science to research in hybrid academic-industrial state-of-the-art facilities. Quality assurance procedures will be implemented following those of the participating universities whose long relationship assures strong international networking among universities, research centres and industries (both large and SME) and sound training on transferable skills, which has become one of the pillars of education and innovation in partner academic institutions.


€ 692 920,80
08034 Barcelona

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Beteiligte (7)

Partner (10)