CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Exploring the Deep Universe by Computational Analysis of Data from Observations


Schwache und Zwerggalaxien mit Astronomie und Informatik erforschen

Die Weltraumforschung und -beobachtung wurde in den letzten Jahren deutlich ausgebaut. Bessere Ausrüstung wurde entwickelt und eingerichtet und mehr Ressourcen ausgeschöpft. Trotz dieser Fortschritte bleiben viele schwache Galaxien weiterhin unbemerkt. Daher sind innovative Neuerungen in der Informationstechnologie notwendig. Finanziert über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen soll über das Projekt EDUCADO eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Astronomie und der Informatik aufgebaut werden. In diese Zusammenarbeit fließt das Fachwissen aus beiden Fachrichtungen ein, damit bisher unbekannte schwache beobachtbare Galaxien gefunden und die Häufigkeit, Arten und Eigenschaften von Zwerggalaxien analysiert und mit der Milchstraße verglichen werden können. Im Rahmen des Projekts erhalten 10 Promovierende Schulungen zu hochwertigen Methoden in diesen Fachgebieten.


The formation and evolution of massive galaxies is reasonably well understood in the context of the successful standard ΛCDM formalism. Such simulations of cosmic evolution, however, lead to serious challenges in the regime of the very faint galaxies, including the problems referred to as missing satellites, too big to fail, and planes of satellite galaxies. With the massive amounts of excellent data being produced by astronomical surveys, and with new missions scheduled to produce more data of even better quality, we have a unique chance to solve these problems. To do this, we require innovative developments in information technology. In EDUCADO (Exploring the Deep Universe by Computational Analysis of Data from Observations), an intensive collaboration at the intersection of astronomy and computer science, we bring together experts from different disciplines and sectors. We will train 10 Doctoral Candidates in the development of a variety of high-quality methods, needed to address the formation of the faintest structures. We will reliably and reproducibly detect unprecedented numbers of the faintest observable galaxies from new large-area surveys. We will study the morphology, populations, and distribution of large samples of various classes of dwarf galaxies and compare dwarf galaxy populations and properties across different environments. We will confront the results with cosmological models of galaxy formation and evolution. Finally, we will perform detailed, principled, and robust simulations and observations of the Milky Way and the Local Group to compare with dwarf galaxies in other environments. EDUCADO will deliver a comprehensive interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international training programme including a secondment at one of our 11 associated partners for each DC. We will provide a fresh and sustainable way of training PhD scientists with interdisciplinary and intersectoral data science expertise, a requisite for future European competitiveness.


€ 503 942,40
38205 San Cristobal De La Laguna

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Canarias Canarias Tenerife
Research Organisations
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Beteiligte (7)

Partner (12)