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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

70%plus eco-efficiency gains in the PV EOL supply chain by closed loop systems with enhanced recycling rates, systematic collection and management utilising digital twins


Nachhaltige Lösungen für Solarpaneelabfälle

Ausrangierte Solarpaneele stellen eine wachsende Umweltbedrohung dar und gefährden die Ökosysteme mit gefährlichen Stoffen. Die steigende Nachfrage nach erneuerbaren Energien verschärft die Krise der Photovoltaik-Abfälle am Ende der Lebensdauer. Das Fehlen einer standardisierten Recyclingmethode verschärft das Problem und führt zu Umweltbedenken. In diesem Zusammenhang zielt das EU-finanzierte Projekt QUASAR darauf ab, die Solarbranche mit einer umfassenden Lösung für die Bewirtschaftung von Photovoltaikmodul-Abfällen zu revolutionieren. Das Projekt umfasst einen digitalen Produktpass mit intelligenten Sensoranhängern, der eine fundierte Entscheidung am Ende der Lebensdauer ermöglicht. Über QUASAR werden zerstörungsfreie Prüf- und Reparaturtechnologien eingeführt, mit denen eine Recyclingquote von 70 bis 90 % für Silizium, Metalle, Glas und Polymere angestrebt wird. Bis 2050 verspricht das Projekt erhebliche CO2-Einsparungen und erschließt große Mengen an Sekundärrohstoffen.


QUASAR will develop and implement solutions for a systematic collection and management methodology and decision tools for EOL-PV-modules based on a holistic approach between all parts and actors across the EOL supply chain including concepts of reverse logistic technologies, AI/machine learning, product lifecycle information management (PLIM) based on digital twins, and best practices for sorting, warehouse operations, testing and repair/reuse.
EOL decision-making will be supported through the delivery of a digital product passport thanks to smart sensor tags as well as rapid, non-destructive testing methods for assessing EOL-PV condition for reuse/repair/recycling in the field and at waste treatment facilities. Repair technology solutions will be provided, along with guidelines for second-life warranty, quality thresholds, product reliability, labelling and tracking.
QUASAR will upscale and demonstrate two emerging recycling technologies based on delamination by controlled thermal and chemical treatment [pilot A] and waterjet delamination [pilot B], targeting EOL-PV recycling rates of 70-90% for silicon, metals, glass and polymers with high purity for reuse in the PV industry, as well as semi-conductor industry, speciality chemicals, float glass, or other products.
Material closed-loop systems will be implemented to enable a circular economy for the PV industry. By 2050, from the upscaling and worldwide deployment of both recycling technologies, substantial volumes of secondary raw materials will be unlocked: 220,000 tons of silicon, 5,200 tons of silver, 62,000 tons of copper and 4,700,000 tons of glass, accompanied with 421 million tons of CO2 savings. To achieve its specific objectives, QUASAR gathers a multidisciplinary consortium involving commercial actors from across the entire EOL supply chain: PV module manufacturers, utility scale PV system operators, collectors, recyclers, and end users of recycled secondary raw materials.


€ 1 560 800,00
7034 Trondheim

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