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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Engaging approaches and services for meaningful climate actions


D7.2 Project website and social media accounts

The ClearClimate website will contain a general description of the project and a blog, where the consortium will regularly post scientific achievements, and/or news about scientific and technological discoveries and new challenges, or related training activities. The website will contain information both for experts (through links to scientific papers, conferences or schools’ announcements, etc.) and for no experts, with links to dedicated groups in the main social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Research Gate, YouTube).

D7.1 Dissemination, communication and explotation plan

D7.1 for the ClearClimate project aims to establish clear guidelines for effectively sharing public results and scientific evidence to support policy-making. It focuses on coordinating and maximizing the project's impact by targeting specific groups that will be identified. It will ensure the coordination of communication efforts across various project work packages. It will covers stakeholder review, timing of activities, media channels, and task allocation among project partners. While the plan is initially submitted to the European Commission by Month 6 of the project, it will be regularly reviewed and updated throughout the ClearClimate project to ensure its objectives are met and modified as needed.Second part of D7.1 will be dedicated to exploitation strategy. It will oversee the planning, support and implementation of sustainability and exploitation actions for the project results. the main focus will be to concisely present the most valuable exploitable results and actions of the project and the interest as well as capacity of the project partners to exploit the result in order to design the exploitation strategy for the future after the project closes.

D1.4 Strategy for ethical management

This deliverable for the ClearClimate project serves as a guide to ensure ethical compliance and adherence to relevant standards throughout the project's activities, experiments, and initiatives. It identifies the core ethical principles, such as honesty, reliability, and fairness, that must be upheld in all project undertakings.

D1.1 Data Management plan

D1.5 will be a comprehensive and detailed description of the processes involved in collecting, generating, and processing data throughout the entire lifespan of ClearClimate. This document serves two main purposes. Firstly, it provides a technical overview of how data will be handled, ensuring that the necessary protocols and procedures are in place for effective data management. Secondly, and more importantly, the DMP aims to guarantee the availability and utility of the project's research data.

D1.2 Project Handbook

The ClearClimate Project Handbook serves as a comprehensive document outlining the chosen approach to achieve the project's goals. It plays a crucial role in establishing the necessary plans and processes for effective project management, while considering the specific needs and requirements of ClearClimate. The deliverable holds significant value as it serves as a central reference for all project members and stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle. It provides a repository of essential information, including project policies, rules, and the overall management approach. This document not only guides the project's implementation but also determines the level of customization and tailoring required for the plans.The part of the deliverable will be devoted to establishing a framework for effective collaboration between Work Packages (WPs) 2 to 5. By creating this roadmap, the deliverable sets out the guidelines and plans for collaboration among the different WPs, promoting synergy, knowledge sharing, and efficient implementation of the multidisciplinary approach. This collaboration is essential for leveraging diverse perspectives, expertise, and resources across WPs to develop comprehensive and robust CIS within the ClearClimate project.

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