Beratung der EU zur Anpassung ihrer außenpolitischen Instrumente
Nach der Invasion der Ukraine durch Russland steht Europa vor nie dagewesenen Sicherheitsherausforderungen, die eine dringende strategische Neuausrichtung erforderlich machen. Der Konflikt verursacht nicht nur Leid in der Ukraine, sondern stellt auch eine direkte Bedrohung für die Nachbarländer dar und erfordert eine grundlegende Neubewertung der EU-Sicherheitspolitik. Das Team des EU-finanzierten Projekts RE-ENGAGE kombiniert dazu Erkenntnisse aus verschiedenen akademischen Bereichen, um innovative Forschungsergebnisse und praktische Anleitungen für die Anpassung der außenpolitischen Instrumente der EU an den aktuellen unbeständigen Kontext zu liefern. Konkret wird es die Annahme der außenpolitischen Instrumente der EU anleiten. Dies wird notwendig sein, da Europa mit der schwersten Sicherheitskrise seit Jahrzehnten zu kämpfen hat, die eine umfassende Neubewertung der Sicherheitspolitik und einen nuancierten Ansatz zur Bewältigung der Bedrohungen durch hybride Kriegsführung erforderlich macht.
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU has responded by re-engaging with its neighbours. This builds on the assumption that bringing them into the European family of liberal democracies will increase the resilience of the whole European community against external negative interference. Combining insights from a variety of academic fields, RE-ENGAGE will deliver innovative research and concrete advice on how the EU should adapt its foreign policy tools to the current context.
Russia’s war against Ukraine has radically altered European security, not only causing extreme civilian suffering in Ukraine, but posing a direct threat to neighbouring countries fearful of the war spreading. Confronted by the direst security crisis in decades, EU policymakers are forced to fundamentally rethink their security policies. Europe has demonstrated unexpected unity and resolve, adopting a series of sanctions against Russia, and increasing national defence spending to better handle potential military threats. This has also led to a revival of EU enlargement process. While this will not improve EU resilience to military threats in the narrow sense, it may counter hybrid warfare, which is the more likely threat faced by the EU and most of its neighbours.
The neighbourhood policy and the accession process require urgent adjustment to build strong, resilient neighbourhood states capable of countering external threats, particularly those posed by hybrid warfare. A systematic investigation of how this can be achieved in the current context without compromising the EU’s values and security is therefore needed. Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, there have been increasing calls from the EU for a more context-sensitive approach to its neighbours. RE-ENGAGE will assist the EU in determining how best to achieve this goal through an in-depth study of six cases – three in the Western Balkans and three in the Eastern Neighbourhood.
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