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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

European coordination network and activities to embrace a sustainable and inclusive STEAM educational system: the blend of artistic and creative approaches in STEM education, research & innovation

Description du projet

Une solution créative pour briser les barrières des STIM

Dans le vaste paysage des domaines des STIM, un écart de genre flagrant persiste, entravant le plein potentiel des futurs innovateurs européens, en particulier les femmes. Ce déséquilibre se répercute au-delà des frontières, des âges et des clivages socio-économiques, limitant l’accès aux opportunités scientifiques et technologiques. Dans ce contexte, le projet STEAMbrace, financé par l’UE, apparaît comme une force pionnière, prête à remodeler le discours éducatif. En fusionnant les STIM et les arts, il aspire à établir une alliance européenne solide, en utilisant la créativité et des approches fondées sur des preuves pour favoriser une méthodologie d’éducation STIAM durable et inclusive. Le modèle multi-acteurs du projet implique les industries culturelles et créatives, favorisant les écosystèmes d’innovation. Les résultats attendus comprennent un centre de mise en réseau numérique, des activités de formation sur mesure, une semaine STIAM pilote au niveau de l’UE et une feuille de route pour la reproductibilité annuelle.


This project aims to bridge the current gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields by unlocking the potential of STEAM (STEM + Arts) education approach for future European innovators, especially women. Thus, this project will establish a coordination Alliance at European level and develop numerous networking and educational activities using a creative thinking and a scientific evidence-based approach. This will lead to broad, sustainable (environmental-responsible, social-inclusive & economically-balanced) and inclusive (gender, geodemographic and socioeconomic wide-ranging) STEAM education methodology that will positively influence in the transition towards a cultural and social cohesion of Europe.
This EU interdisciplinary consortium will follow a multi-actor approach where cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are drivers of the cultural and creative-driven innovation ecosystems, combined with validation with 11-18 years old students, that will allow to better understand the gaps and limitations of STEM education regarding country, age, gender and other socio-cultural aspects and boost the change towards a sustainable, reproducible & inclusive European STE(A)M education.
As a result, this CSA project will deliver a digital hub for participant networking (both students and stakeholders); missing information on STEAM level of implementation in Europe; numerous country-adapted training activities to boost integration of STEAM approaches in secondary and vocational training schools, with specific activities for young women and rural students; a pilot of the STEAM week at EU level and a roadmap for annual reproducibility; as well as follow-up training courses and guideline of minimum requirements for teachers and educational managers to ensure a STEAM education across Europe. Moreover, the project will extensively disseminate and communicate project’s events, results and findings, including the development of recommendations


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 504 325,00

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Noreste Aragón Zaragoza
Type d’activité
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (9)