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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Delivery of liquid Hydrogen for Various Environment at High Rate

Descripción del proyecto

Hidrógeno líquido para el transporte marítimo, aéreo y ferroviario

El hidrógeno líquido desempeña un papel crucial en la reducción de las emisiones de carbono en diversos sectores, como la energía, los productos químicos y la movilidad. Aunque la tecnología de repostaje rápido está bien establecida para vehículos ligeros, su aplicación en vehículos pesados sigue siendo un reto. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto DelHyVEHR, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará una bomba criogénica de transferencia de alto caudal para estaciones de repostaje de hidrógeno líquido. Además, pretende optimizar un sistema de gestión de los gases de ebullición capaz de recuperar más del 80 % del hidrógeno. También evaluará las repercusiones económicas, medioambientales y políticas de estas tecnologías. Los objetivos del proyecto son completar una demostración antes de 2027, comercializarla en 2029 y repostar en 15 estaciones antes de 2030, con el objetivo a largo plazo de repostar en 81 estaciones antes de 2040.


Liquid hydrogen is a key solution to enable strong carbon reduction for energy, chemical and mobility industries. If technologies are mature for light vehicles fast refuelling, it is still a challenge for heavy duty applications, hampering massive environmental gains for aviation, maritime, railroad.
DelHyVEHR offers to fill the gap of liquid hydrogen distribution technologies by driving the maturation to the demonstration at TRL 6 of the large-scale refuelling station and each main systems with a specific focus on pumping, metering, loading and boil-off gas management systems.
DelHyVEHR main objectives are to:
• Develop a high flowrate (>5 t/h and up to 6 t/h) transfer cryogenic pump for LH2 refuelling stations with high efficiency (>60%) and high reliability (Mean Time Between Maintenance > 3000h)
• Develop and adapt loading and dispensing systems for the high-flowrate refuelling station
• Develop and optimize a boil-off gas management system enable to recover >80% of the hydrogen
• Design, build and operate the LH2 refuelling station to refill a cryogenic storage of 4-6 m3 and with integrated technologies demonstrated over long-time operation (>10 h)
• Assess economic, environmental impacts and policy suitability of the technologies and demonstrator with expected cost reduction of investments and operation of LH2 bunkering stations at 1.5 €/kg and deliver H2 carbon footprint aligned with RED II legislation below 3.38 kgCO2/kgH2
• Ensure safety of the LH2 bunkering station and its operation
DelHyVEHR demonstration before 2027 will enable commercialisation before 2029 to target 15 refuelling stations in 2030 and up to 81 stationsin 2040 for shipping, aviation and railroad markets.
To succeed, DelHyVEHR gathers 13 EU leading partners covering the whole value chain from component development to system demonstration and assessment, along with an advisory board of worldwide leading H2 end-users.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 636 807,50
92400 Courbevoie

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Hauts-de-Seine
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 955 131,25

Participantes (9)

Socios (3)