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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE


Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare la resilienza aziendale attraverso processi manifatturieri come servizio

Negli ultimi anni il settore manifatturiero ha dovuto affrontare diverse sfide, adattandosi a interessi e richieste in rapida evoluzione e ad altre crisi. Queste sfide hanno sottolineato la necessità di metodologie o tecnologie che consentano al settore di adeguarsi prima di perdere valore. Il progetto MAASive, finanziato dall’UE, intende sviluppare un nuovo kit di strumenti. Grazie a una rete di produzione connessa e a metodologie innovative, questo kit di strumenti consentirà alle aziende di riconfigurare rapidamente le proprie reti di valore, stabilendo connessioni con nuovi servizi sia interni che esterni. Il progetto introdurrà i processi manifatturieri come servizio (MaaS, manufacturing as a service), faciliterà la creazione di una rete di produttori e svilupperà soluzioni tecniche e metodologie per migliorare la resilienza delle reti di valore.


MAASiveTraditional value chains are facing challenges due to the fast-moving markets, customer demands, and unpredictable manufacturing and logistics. To address these challenges, Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) is introduced as a concept that utilizes existing resources in a value network by connecting manufacturers to service providers on demand through a connected network. The MAASive project aims to develop models of value networks that enable companies to recover from unforeseen external events by connecting to new services and reconfiguring value networks utilizing internal and external manufacturing services. MAASive will provide a toolkit for industry, which will consist of a blend of existing methods and technology applied in the MaaS context, and new models and technology developed as part of the project. Four distinct aspects are addressed in the MAASive project to increase resilience in value networks: network building, impact assessment, reorchestration of networks, and value network operation. The overall aim of MAASive is to increase value network resilience by enabling manufacturers to rapidly respond to unforeseen external events or sudden changes in supply or demand, utilizing manufacturing as a service.
MAASive uses an iterative approach to develop technical solutions and identify potential technology risks early on. The project is focused on creating a toolkit from a human-centered perspective and involving professionals and workers in requirement and scenario definition. The iterative approach follows three loops focusing on 1) model foundations, 2) impact simulation and scenarios, and 3) network orchestration and operation. The results of MAASive will be developed in two use case demonstrators.
The results of MAASive will contribute to companies being more resilient towards external, unforeseen events, by being able to utilize services in a value network better and faster, while also increasing utilization of network resources.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 992 905,00
9220 Aalborg

Mostra sulla mappa

Danmark Nordjylland Nordjylland
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 992 905,00

Partecipanti (11)