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REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019

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Mid-Term Report on data and knowledge management and sustainability


Report on data and knowledge management and sustainability

Report on the implementation of data and knowledge management activities and sustainability plans

Final report on ethical issues

At the end of the project the ethics report will detail how ethical issues have been dealt with in practice

Final dissemination and outreach report

Compilation of all dissemination activities undertaken in the project including impact measures and tools produced to support these activities

High profile RSV Science Policy Summit meeting for national and European policy makers

Report on a Highlevel Science Policy RSV Forum including sessions with European national immunisation technical advisory groups NITAGs national regulatory agencies and policy makers

“Virtual biobank” of archived samples and metadata established


Roadmap for collaboration with other projects/networks


Report on Follow-up Interactions with Regulators/HTA

Associated to 652 this report will document the feedback based on dialogue with Regulators and to include any identifiable recommendations

Data and knowledge management plan


Report on RSV community interactions


Ethics policy handbook


Communication Plan, including project branding and policies



Presumed Risk Factors and Biomarkers for Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease and Related Sequelae: Protocol for an Observational Multicenter, Case-Control Study From the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe (RESCEU)

Autoren: Kimberley Jefferies, Simon B Drysdale, Hannah Robinson, Elizabeth Ann Clutterbuck, Luke Blackwell, Joseph McGinley, Gu-Lung Lin, Ushma Galal, Harish Nair, Jeroen Aerssens, Deniz Öner, Annefleur Langedijk, Louis Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest, Federico Martinon-Torres, Carmen Rodríguez-Tenreiro Sánchez, Simon Nadel, Peter Openshaw, Ryan Thwaites, Myra Widjojoatmodjo, Linong Zhang, Thi Lien-Anh Nguye
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S658-S665, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa239

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe (RESCEU) Investigators. Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospital Admissions and Bed Days in Children <5 Years of Age in 7 European Countries

Autoren: Wang X, Li Y, Vazquez Fernandez L, Teirlinck AC, Lehtonen T, van Wijhe M, Stona L, Bangert M, Reeves RM, Bøås H, van Boven M, Heikkinen T, Klint Johannesen C, Baraldi E, Donà D, Tong S, Campbell H; Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe (RESCEU) Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab560

The burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) associated acute lower respiratory infections in children with Down syndrome: A systematic review and meta–analysis

Autoren: Markus Chan, John J Park, Ting Shi, Federico Martinón–Torres, Louis Bont, Harish Nair
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Global Health, Ausgabe 7/2, 2017, ISSN 2047-2978
Herausgeber: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Global Health Society
DOI: 10.7189/jogh.07.020413

Exploratory Analysis of the Economically Justifiable Price of a Hypothetical RSV Vaccine for Older Adults in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Autoren: Zeevat F, Luttjeboer J, Paulissen JHJ, van der Schans J, Beutels P, Boersma C, Postma MJ; RESCEU Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab118

Cost of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Acute Lower Respiratory Infection Management in Young Children at the Regional and Global Level: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Autoren: Shanshan Zhang, Lily Zainal Akmar, Freddie Bailey, Barbara A Rath, Maren Alchikh, Brunhilde Schweiger, Marilla G Lucero, Leilani T Nillos, Moe H Kyaw, Alexia Kieffer, Sabine Tong, Harry Campbell, Philippe Beutels, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha A Wedzicha, Ann R Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Marina Antillon, Joke Bilcke
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S680-S687, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz683

World Health Organization Influenza-Like Illness Underestimates the Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Autoren: Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Chris C Butler, Theo J M Verheij, Louis J Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest, RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab452

Disease Burden Estimates of Respiratory Syncytial Virus related Acute Respiratory Infections in Adults With Comorbidity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Autoren: Shi T, Vennard S, Jasiewicz F, Brogden R, Nair H; RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab040

Unveiling the Risk Period for Death After Respiratory Syncytial Virus Illness in Young Children Using a Self-Controlled Case Series Design

Autoren: You Li, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, You Li, Rachel M Reeves, Anne Douglas, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Terho Heikkinen, Carlo Giaquinto, Kena Swanson, Sonia Stoszek, Amanda Leach, Clarisse Demont, Scott Gallichan, Jeroen Aerssens, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Peter Openshaw, Michael Abram, Brian Rosen, Eva Molero, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Y
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S634-S639, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa309

Time-Varying Association Between Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections and Subsequent Severe Asthma and Wheeze and Influences of Age at the Infection

Autoren: Wang X, Li Y, Nair H, Campbell H; RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab308

A Systematic Review of European Clinical Practice Guidelines for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prophylaxis.

Autoren: Reeves RM, van Wijhe M, Lehtonen T, Stona L, Teirlinck AC, Vazquez Fernandez L, Li Y, Osei-Yeboah R, Fischer TK, Heikkinen T, van Boven M, Bøås H, Donà D, Barbieri E, Campbell H; RESCEU Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac059

Burden of respiratory syncytial virus infection in community-dwelling older adults in Europe (RESCEU): an international prospective cohort study.

Autoren: Korsten K, Adriaenssens N, Coenen S, Butler C, Ravanfar B, Rutter H, Allen J, Falsey A, Pirçon JY, Gruselle O, Pavot V, Vernhes C, Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh S, Öner D, Ispas G, Aerssens J, Shinde V, Verheij T, Bont L, Wildenbeest J
Veröffentlicht in: The European respiratory journal., 2021, ISSN 0903-1936
Herausgeber: European Respiratory Society
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02688-2020

Global, regional, and national disease burden estimates of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in children younger than 5 years in 2019: a systematic analysis

Autoren: You Li 1, Xin Wang 1, Dianna M Blau 2, Mauricio T Caballero 3, Daniel R Feikin 4, Christopher J Gill 5, Shabir A Madhi 6, Saad B Omer 7, Eric A F Simões 8, Harry Campbell 9, Ana Bermejo Pariente 9, Darmaa Bardach 10, Quique Bassat 11, Jean-Sebastien Casalegno 12, Giorgi Chakhunashvili 13, Nigel Crawford 14, Daria Danilenko 15, Lien Anh Ha Do 16, Marcela Echavarria 17, Angela Gentile 18, Aubree Go
Veröffentlicht in: Lancet, Ausgabe Volume 399 Ausgabe 10340, 2022, Seite(n) 2047-2064, ISSN 0140-6736
Herausgeber: The Lancet Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(22)00478-0

Patient Involvement in RSV Research: Towards Patients Setting the Research Agenda

Autoren: Derksen-Lazet ND, Parmentier CEJ, Wildenbeest JG, Bont LJ; RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac110

Global patterns in monthly activity of influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and metapneumovirus: a systematic analysis

Autoren: You Li, Rachel M Reeves, Xin Wang, Quique Bassat, W Abdullah Brooks, Cheryl Cohen, David P Moore, Marta Nunes, Barbara Rath, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Sozinho Acacio, Wladimir J Alonso, Martin Antonio, Guadalupe Ayora Talavera, Darmaa Badarch, Vicky L Baillie, Gisela Barrera-Badillo, Godfrey Bigogo, Shobha Broor, Dana Bruden, Philippe Buchy, Peter Byass, James Chipeta, Wilfrido Clara, Duc-Anh D
Veröffentlicht in: The Lancet Global Health, Ausgabe 7/8, 2019, Seite(n) e1031-e1045, ISSN 2214-109X
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(19)30264-5

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Animal Studies Investigating the Relationship Between Serum Antibody, T Lymphocytes, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease

Autoren: McGinley, Joseph, et al.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 00221899, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab370

Simultaneous Viral Whole-Genome Sequencing and Differential Expression Profiling in Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection of Infants

Autoren: Gu-Lung Lin, Tanya Golubchik, Simon Drysdale, Daniel O’Connor, Kimberley Jefferies, Anthony Brown, Mariateresa de Cesare, David Bonsall, M Azim Ansari, Jeroen Aerssens, Louis Bont, Peter Openshaw, Federico Martinón-Torres, Rory Bowden, Andrew J Pollard, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Steve Cunningham, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Joanne Wildenbeest, Andrew Pollard, Christopher Butler, Matthew Sn
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S666-S671, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa448

Performance Assessment of a Rapid Molecular Respiratory Syncytial Virus Point-of-Care Test: A Prospective Community Study in Older Adults

Autoren: Zuurbier RP, Korsten K, Verheij TJM, Butler C, Adriaenssens N, Coenen S, Gruselle O, Vantomme V, van Houten MA, Bont LJ, Wildenbeest JG; Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe (RESCEU) Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab600

Immunological and Inflammatory Biomarkers of Susceptibility and Severity in Adult Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections

Autoren: Dexter J Wiseman, Ryan S Thwaites, Simon B Drysdale, Sophie Janet, Gavin C Donaldson, Jadwiga A Wedzicha, Peter J Openshaw, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwiga Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres, Terho Heikkinen, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Maarten van den Be
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S584-S591, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa063

Contact With Young Children Increases the Risk of Respiratory Infection in Older Adults in Europe - the RESCEU Study

Autoren: Koos Korsten, Niels Adriaenssens, Samuel Coenen, Chris C Butler, Jean-Yves Pirçon, Theo J M Verheij, Louis J Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest, RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab519

Economic Burden and Health-Related Quality of Life of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza Infection in European Community-Dwelling Older Adults.

Autoren: Mao Z, Li X, Korsten K, Bont L, Butler C, Wildenbeest J, Coenen S, Hens N, Bilcke J, Beutels P; RESCEU Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac069

Estimating Transmission Parameters for Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Predicting the Impact of Maternal and Pediatric Vaccination

Autoren: Michiel van Boven, Anne C Teirlinck, Adam Meijer, Mariëtte Hooiveld, Christiaan H van Dorp, Rachel M Reeves, Harry Campbell, Wim van der Hoek, Rachel M Reeves, You Li, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Maarten van Wijhe, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Lone Simonsen, Ramona Trebbien, Sabine Tong, Scott Gallichan, Mathieu Bangert, Clarisse Demont, Toni Lehtonen, Terho Heikkinen, Anne Teirlinck, Michiel van Boven
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S688-S694, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa424

Year-to-year variation in attack rates could result in underpowered respiratory syncytial virus vaccine efficacy trials

Autoren: Billard MN, Wildenbeest J, Bont LJ, Nair H, McCracken JP, Oude Rengerink K; RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of clinical epidemiology, 2022, ISSN 0895-4356
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.02.003

Epidemiology and Immune Pathogenesis of Viral Sepsis

Autoren: Gu-Lung Lin, Joseph P. McGinley, Simon B. Drysdale, Andrew J. Pollard
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Immunology, Ausgabe 9, 2018, ISSN 1664-3224
Herausgeber: Frontier in Immunology
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02147

Association Between Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Acute Lower Respiratory Infection in Early Life and Recurrent Wheeze and Asthma in Later Childhood

Autoren: Ting Shi, Yujing Ooi, Ei Mon Zaw, Natasa Utjesanovic, Harry Campbell, Steve Cunningham, Louis Bont, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres, Terho Heikkinen, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Maarten van den Berge, Carlo
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz311

Global and Regional Burden of Hospital Admissions for Pneumonia in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Autoren: Ting Shi, Angeline Denouel, Anna K Tietjen, Jen Wei Lee, Ann R Falsey, Clarisse Demont, Bryan O Nyawanda, Bing Cai, Robert Fuentes, Sonia K Stoszek, Peter Openshaw, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres,
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz053

The Etiological Role of Common Respiratory Viruses in Acute Respiratory Infections in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Autoren: Ting Shi, Andrew Arnott, Indre Semogas, Ann R Falsey, Peter Openshaw, Jadwiga A Wedzicha, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres, Terho Heikkinen, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Maarten van den Berge,
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy662

A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis

Autoren: Amir Kirolos, Sara Manti, Rachel Blacow, Gabriel Tse, Thomas Wilson, Martin Lister, Steve Cunningham, Alasdair Campbell, Harish Nair, Rachel M Reeves, Ricardo M Fernandes, Harry Campbell, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Rachel M Reeves, Anne Douglas, Steve Cunningham, Ricardo M Fernandes, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Terho Heikkinen, Carlo Giaquinto, Charles Knirsch, Sonia Stoszek, Amanda Leach
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz240

Global Disease Burden Estimates of Respiratory Syncytial Virus–Associated Acute Respiratory Infection in Older Adults in 2015: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Autoren: Ting Shi, Angeline Denouel, Anna K Tietjen, Iain Campbell, Emily Moran, Xue Li, Harry Campbell, Clarisse Demont, Bryan O Nyawanda, Helen Y Chu, Sonia K Stoszek, Anand Krishnan, Peter Openshaw, Ann R Falsey, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero,
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz059

Acute Lower Respiratory Infections Associated With Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children With Underlying Congenital Heart Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Autoren: Pa Saidou Chaw, Stephanie Wen Lan Wong, Steve Cunningham, Harry Campbell, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Harish Nair
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz150

Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Autoren: Pa Saidou Chaw, Lei Hua, Steve Cunningham, Harry Campbell, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Harish Nair, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Ting Shi, Shanshan Zhang, You Li, Lei Hua, Peter Openshaw, Jadwicha Wedzicha, Ann Falsey, Mark Miller, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres, Terho Heikkinen, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Maarten van den Berge, Carlo Giaquinto, Rafael Mikolajczyk
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiz492

Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospital Admissions in Children Younger Than 5 Years in 7 European Countries Using Routinely Collected Datasets

Autoren: Rachel M Reeves, Maarten van Wijhe, Sabine Tong, Toni Lehtonen, Luca Stona, Anne C Teirlinck, Liliana Vazquez Fernandez, You Li, Carlo Giaquinto, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Clarisse Demont, Terho Heikkinen, Irene Speltra, Michiel van Boven, Håkon Bøås, Harry Campbell, Rachel M Reeves, You Li, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Maarten van Wijhe, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Lone Simonsen, Ramona Trebbien, Sabine
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S599-S605, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa360

Hospital Admission Trends for Bronchiolitis in Scotland, 2001–2016: A National Retrospective Observational Study

Autoren: Alexandria Chung, Rachel M Reeves, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Rachel M Reeves, You Li, Harry Campbell, Harish Nair, Maarten van Wijhe, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Lone Simonsen, Ramona Trebbien, Sabine Tong, Mathieu Bangert, Clarisse Demont, Toni Lehtonen, Terho Heikkinen, Anne Teirlinck, Michiel van Boven, Wim van der Hoek, Nicoline van der Maas, Adam Meijer, Liliana Vazquez Fernandez, Håkon Bøas,
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S592-S598, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa323

Distinct patterns of within-host virus populations between two subgroups of human respiratory syncytial virus

Autoren: Lin, Gu-Lung, et al.
Veröffentlicht in: Nature communications, 2021, ISSN 2041-1723
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25265-4

Low Sensitivity of BinaxNOW RSV in Infants

Autoren: Roy P Zuurbier, Louis J Bont, Annefleur C Langedijk, Mirjam Hamer, Koos Korsten, Simon B Drysdale, Matthew D Snape, Hannah Robinson, Andrew J Pollard, Federico Martinón-Torres, Carmen Rodríguez-Tenreiro Sánchez, Alberto Gómez-Carballa, Ana Isabel Dacosta-Urbieta, Terho Heikkinen, Steve Cunningham, Marlies A van Houten, Joanne G Wildenbeest, Roy Zuurbier, Louis Bont, Annefleur Langedijk, Mirjam
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S640-S647, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa050

Development and Standardization of a High-Throughput Multiplex Immunoassay for the Simultaneous Quantification of Specific Antibodies to Five Respiratory Syncytial Virus Proteins

Autoren: Rutger M. Schepp, Cornelis A. M. de Haan, Deidre Wilkins, Hans Layman, Barney S. Graham, Mark T. Esser, Guy A. M. Berbers
Veröffentlicht in: mSphere, Ausgabe 4/2, 2019, ISSN 2379-5042
Herausgeber: Washington, DC : American Society for Microbiology, [2015]-
DOI: 10.1128/msphere.00236-19

Global Disease Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Preterm Children in 2019: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Protocol

Autoren: Wang X, Li Y, Shi T, Ma Y, Wahi-Singh B, Riley RD, Nair H.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac078

Biomarkers for Disease Severity in Children Infected With Respiratory Syncytial Virus: A Systematic Literature Review

Autoren: Deniz Öner, Simon B Drysdale, Calum McPherson, Gu-Lung Lin, Sophie Janet, Jonathan Broad, Andrew J Pollard, Jeroen Aerssens, Harish Nair, Harry Campbell, Peter Openshaw, Philippe Beutels, Louis Bont, Andrew Pollard, Eva Molero, Federico Martinon-Torres, Terho Heikkinen, Adam Meijer, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Maarten van den Berge, Carlo Giaquinto, Clarisse Demont, Scott Gallichan, Philip Dormitzer, A
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S648-S657, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa208

Age-Specific Estimates of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations in 6 European Countries: A Time Series Analysis.

Autoren: Johannesen CK, van Wijhe M, Tong S, Fernandez LV, Heikkinen T, van Boven M, et al.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac150

The burden of respiratory syncytial virus in healthy term-born infants in Europe: a prospective birth cohort study

Autoren: Wildenbeest JG, Billard MN, Zuurbier RP, Korsten K, Langedijk AC, van de Ven PM, Snape MD, Drysdale SB, Pollard AJ, Robinson H, Heikkinen T, Cunningham S, O’Neill T, Rizkalla B, Dacosta-Urbieta A, Martinón-Torres F, van Houten MA, Bont LJ; RESCEU Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, 2022, ISSN 2213-2600
Herausgeber: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(22)00414-3

Costs of management of acute respiratory infections in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Autoren: Zhang S, Wahi-Singh P, Wahi-Singh B, Chisholm A, Keeling P, Nair H; RESCEU Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of global health, 2022, ISSN 2047-2978
Herausgeber: Edinburgh University Global Health Society
DOI: 10.7189/jogh.12.04096

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe (RESCEU) Birth Cohort Study: Defining the Burden of Infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease in Europe

Autoren: Joanne G Wildenbeest, Roy P Zuurbier, Koos Korsten, Marlies A van Houten, Marie N Billard, Nicole Derksen-Lazet, Matthew D Snape, Simon B Drysdale, Hannah Robinson, Andrew J Pollard, Terho Heikkinen, Steve Cunningham, Amanda Leach, Federico Martinón-Torres, Carmen Rodríguez-Tenreiro Sánchez, Alberto Gómez-Carballa, Louis J Bont, Joanne Wildenbeest, Roy Zuurbier, Koos Korsten, Marlies van Houte
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S606-S612, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa310

Clinical and Viral Factors Associated With Disease Severity and Subsequent Wheezing in Infants With Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection

Autoren: McGinley JP, Lin GL, Öner D, Golubchik T, O'Connor D, Snape MD, Gruselle O, Langedijk AC, Wildenbeest J, Openshaw P, Nair H, Aerssens J, Bont L, Martinón-Torres F, Drysdale SB, Pollard AJ; RESCEU Investigators
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac163

Cost-effectiveness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease Prevention Strategies: Maternal Vaccine Versus Seasonal or Year-Round Monoclonal Antibody Program in Norwegian Children.

Autoren: Li X, Bilcke J, Vázquez Fernández L, Bont L, Willem L, Wisløff T, Jit M, Beutels P; REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope (RESCEU) Investigators.
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of infectious diseases, 2022, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac064

Recommendations for respiratory syncytial virus surveillance at the national level

Autoren: Teirlinck AC, Broberg EK, Stuwitz Berg A, Campbell H, Reeves RM, Carnahan A, Lina B, Pakarna G, Bøås H, Nohynek H, Emborg HD, Nair H, Reiche J, Oliva JA, O'Gorman J, Paget J, Szymanski K, Danis K, Socan M, Gijon M, Rapp M, Havlíčková M, Trebbien R, Guiomar R, Hirve SS, Buda S, van der Werf S, Meijer A, Fischer TK.
Veröffentlicht in: The European respiratory journal., 2021, ISSN 0903-1936
Herausgeber: European Respiratory Society
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.03766-2020

Health and economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease and the cost-effectiveness of potential interventions against RSV among children under 5 years in 72 Gavi-eligible countries

Autoren: Xiao Li, Lander Willem, Marina Antillon, Joke Bilcke, Mark Jit, Philippe Beutels
Veröffentlicht in: BMC Medicine, Ausgabe 18/1, 2020, ISSN 1741-7015
Herausgeber: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12916-020-01537-6

Establishing the Value and Strategies for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Control: The European RSV Consortium (RESCEU)

Autoren: Mark Miller
Veröffentlicht in: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Ausgabe 222/Supplement_7, 2020, Seite(n) S561-S562, ISSN 0022-1899
Herausgeber: University of Chicago Press
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa551

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