All international actions are expected to run for three years.
The main features of VINNMER-PEOPLE and its three different actions.
1. Incoming highly experienced international researcher (>10years).
2. Incoming international experienced researcher.
3. Outgoing international experienced researcher.
There are also Pre-application grants, Tutoring support for PhD's at distance, Follow-up of the career plan together with the applicant R&I milieu, Networking activities for all participants under VINNMER-PEOPLE.
VINNMER-PEOPLE has performed four calls and funded 39 fellows. In total we received 6 chair applications and 74 international applications.
Results from career advancements due to VINNMER-PEOPLE:
3 expert recruitments to industry
1 expert recruitment to governmental agency
4 professors
1 vice-chancellor
+ high number of career developments
The Fellows highlight the following important results directly related to having funding from
- clear commitments from employers
- quality stamp and attention
- increased international networking
- increased funding from other sources
- leadership and pedagogic training
New calls will not be opened in this programme.
Instead, the programme design has been further developed in order to increase the involvement of industrial researchers in the new programme "Mobility for Growth". This new programme is strongly influence by VINNMER and will have calls open during 2013-2014.
VINNMER-PEOPLE has also strongly influenced the BALANSE programme run by the Norwegian Research Council and several other national funding programmes that also have clear goals tosupport under-represented gender.
Links to the programmes:
Dr Erik Litborn, Programme Director