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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-18

Integrated Interferometry and GNSS for Precision Survey


I²GPS will develop a novel, integrated approach to the use of synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR- data from GMES) and GNSS for use in the monitoring of subsidence, tectonic changes or other environmental hazards, which can only be identified by millimetric precision survey techniques.
I²GPS proposes to deliver a fully integrated unit and end-to-end application for generating co-registered SAR interferometric and GNSS precision survey results by:
• integrating the antenna of a GNSS receiver with a Compact Active Transponder antenna to ensure millimetric co-registration and assure a coherent cross reference between the two precision surveying techniques, with unit verification confirmed at the mid term review ;
• developing the integrated application processing and conduct field trials to confirm the effectiveness of the technique, to be reported at the final review;
• preparing a business plan for exploiting the resulting product and reporting the results to the user community, thereby increasing the use of GNSS & GMES.
The project responds to an identified user need; the Geological Survey of Slovenia needs an early warning system for landslide hazards, such as that which “erased” a village and resulted in 8 casualties. The work plan captures the user requirement and encompasses field trials to validate the prototype unit and application processing development. Integration of a C-band CAT)with GNSS technology progresses beyond the state of the art but, because of the expertise of the team assembled, is sufficiently close to existing equipment & processing to give a high likelihood of success within the budget proposed. The partners believe that I²GPS will increase the market for both GNSS and GMES and are committed to the exploitation of the unit and application after the conclusion of the project.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CP - Collaborative project (generic)


Contributo UE
€ 98 941,00
Regno Unito

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (6)