Final Report Summary - MOREFV (Molecular regulation of blood coagulation factor V: from snakes to humans)
Using this variant as a model and tool we have generated several panels of snake-human and human-snake chimeras of the blood coagulation cofactor V. In these chimeras we have introduced or removed specific regions that may play a role in the membrane-independent characteristics of snake venom V. Biochemical analysis of these variants revealed that the targeted regions do not play a role in the unique capacity of the snake venom cofactor to function in the absence of lipids. They do suggest, however, that the snake venom enzyme complex functions in a different way altogether as compared to the human enzyme complex, thereby potentially challenging the current paradigm.
In addition, these studies have led to novel questions and opened up new avenues of research that are currently being explored. A better understanding of the enzyme complexes that are essential to blood coagulation will provide ground for translational studies aimed at exploring novel therapeutics and targets to restore hemostasis in cases of a deficient (bleeding) or overactive (thrombosis) coagulation system.
Mettine H.A. Bos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Leiden University Medical Center
Dept. of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Einthoven Laboratory for Experimental Vascular Medicine Room C7-14
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
The Netherlands
Ph: +31 71 526 8133