Final Report Summary - SOFT-COM (Self-aligned high-resolution organic ferroelectric transistor based complementary memory)
The project is in the area of solution processable electronics. While we were focusing on thin film transistor development other complementary areas of research, including micro/nano fabrication, photovoltaic, optical sensor, spintronics etc have also been involved. From this project several papers, and one book chapter have been published and three more articles are under preparation. Impressive result from micro/nano patterning technology development we have obtained. A new method which allows to make high resolution patterning of various materials, polymer, nano-colloids, by manipulating micro-liquid have been developed (to be published in the near future). Current experiments show that it is a low cost, simple, and effective technique which potentially can be used in fabrication of various electronics: sensors, solar cells, light emitting diode. Polymer ferroelectric field effective transistor (PFFET)-based memory device is another focus of the project, particularly the air stable n-type polymer transistor with the challenge of air stability of n-type organic semiconductor materials. The team has developed air stable PFFET devices with on/off current ration over 1000 which is very promising for application of organic CMOS type memory that is a circuit consisting of both p- and n-type PFFETs with much fast performance and energy efficient to compare with P-MOS or N-MOS types circuits. Spintronics is another area the project involved. A research proposal on spin and orbital magnetic moment measurement of MeO film has been successful for Diamond-beamline funding. Good result obtained for investigation of spin configuration in magnetically doped topological insulators, for instance, long range ferromagnetic ordering has been observed in Cr doped BiSe film using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) technique.
Apart from academic research other skill-trainings have also been arranged including teaching training, project proposition, student supervision and effective management etc. The department of Electronics, University of York, has arranged lecture sharing with two professors in the department to improving his teaching skill. He gave lectures on “Nanotechnology” and “Advanced Information Storage” for year-one and year-three students. While the department has arranged a member of teaching board to assess his teaching quality and very good comment was received. The department has also arranged him to attend lecture-training courses of PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice) organised by the university for having teaching qualification including teaching technique, student assessment and feedback, module design etc. He also involved module design for MSc courses on “Nanotechnology”. He gave a talk to year-one students on “Organic electronics “with the purpose of outreach activity of the project. For proposition skill training the fellow has involved in writing several proposals, like EPSRC Standard, and UK innovation, which is essential for the fellow to adopt academic environment after long-term working for industry. During proposal preparation, many relevant skills were improved like project target setting, contact partners to form consortium, meeting organization, proposal writing, communication with funding agency etc. Two PhD students are working with the fellow currently and his supervision skill has improved in many aspects: select research topics for students, arranging various research resources, improving academic and technique quality and writing skill of students.
The main results have obtained are expected to be published in high-quality, high-impact journals. This will undoubtedly have a strong positive effect on the fellow’s track record and will enhance his options to have an academic position. The multidisciplinary character of the research topic and research group has widen the fellow’s background in a great manner. For instance, his LC and biosensor knowledge, and many new academic and industry links obtained in the new environment will create many chances for his future research and employment.
The outcome from the project are potentially useful for printed electronic circuits, sensors etc.
“Organic Electronics Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2005-2025” indicates that market of flexible electronics could rise to $250 billion by 2025. The circuits/memory will be the biggest potential application sector, and it has 32% total market in 2020. It is believed that there are few other technologies that will have such an impact on industry in the next twenty years. Organic electronics in the form of smart packaging, electronic billboards, posters, signage and electronic books will impact the conventional printing and publishing industry. The new manufacturing landscape creates opportunities for new kinds of industrial players, in addition to the existing electronics industry value chain, to join the organic electronic community building the future technology backbone of European excellence and business creation. So building the European organic electronics community will be building a complete new value chain. Consequently, new jobs are created in new industries fulfilling the new business opportunities. The jobs created require new qualifications for the new production methods and product capabilities. Apart from economic perspective, the revolution of printing and publication industry has major impact on environment, such as reduction of pollution induced by traditional paper industry and forest consumption caused by massive demanding of paper materials.