Final Report Summary - ENF 2007 (Organisation of the Conference EURONANOFORUM 2007 - Nanotechnology in Industrial Applications)
The conference series 'EURONANOFORUM' has been established as the foremost European congress for the nanotechnology transfer from research into industrial production processes, products and applications. The EURONANOFORUM conferences bring together excellent scientists with leading researchers and managers from industry and finance as well as political decision makers. This was also put into practice in EURONANOFORUM 2007 and will be continued by organising the fourth EURONANOFORUM 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic.
EURONANOFORUM 2007 was a scientific conference and the whole meaning was to disseminate knowledge. The scientists presented their work by giving a talk or presenting a poster and discussed the nanotechnology and general science topics in the breaks or during the social events. In addition to this, there were measures taken by the organisers to ensure the dissemination of knowledge. One point was the distribution of proceedings volumes with full abstracts. Also, the proceedings were published on the website to reach researchers who did not attend the conference. So the knowledge will be conserved and made accessible for everyone. Lastly, a proceedings CD-ROM was edited and sent to the participants. It contains the same information that can be seen at the website. Beyond being a frame for discussions between scientists, the conference was a good tool for communicating the topic to the public. Special press programmes ensured this.