This SSA proposal is planned to perform an analysis of the scientific and technical bilateral co-operations between the 25 Member States (MS), Turkey and the Mediterranean Partners Countries (MP) on topics and instruments, with the objective of contributin g to the strategic objectives of implementing the European Research Area in the field of Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation and the MEDA Agenda in R+D Co-operation. Specifically, this SSA will try to study and identifying the following aspects: ?The thematic priorities developed by the bilateral co-operation, and the intensity of this co-operation, expressed as the number of common publications, exchange of student, projects and man-months used thereon. In addition, joint participation in projects of the EU Fi fth Framework Program will be analysed, as an indicator of preliminary traditional cooperation. ?The instruments used: travel grants, student exchange, common projects, access to infrastructures, seminars, etc. their performance and their relevance. ?The b udget engaged in the bilateral co-operation and its distribution between priorities and instruments ?The key industrial or social sectors benefited by the bilateral co-operation. The degree of innovation introduced in the socio-economic tissue by the bilat eral SAT co-operation. ?The institutions, their character (Universities, hospitals. Research centres, companies, etc), personalities and experts involved in the bilateral co-operation.
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SSA - Specific Support ActionKoordinator