CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution


Fortgeschrittenes Modell entschlüsselt Rotationsdynamik und Entwicklung von Sternen

Die Rotationsdynamik von Sternen beeinflusst ihre Entwicklung und die ihrer planetarischen und galaktischen Umgebung erheblich. Jüngste Fortschritte in der Helio- und Asteroseismologie haben verdeutlicht, dass der Kern der Sonne nahezu gleichförmig rotiert, während Unterriesen- und Rote-Riesen-Sterne eine drastische Verlangsamung erfahren. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit eines besseren Verständnisses der Stern-Planeten- und Stern-Stern-Wechselwirkungen, die zur Gestaltung der Orbitalarchitekturen beitragen und die Sternentwicklung beeinflussen. Im Rahmen des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts SPIRE wird das Ziel verfolgt, modernste Modelle zur Beschreibung der langfristigen Entwicklung rotierender Sterne und ihrer Systeme zu erstellen. Durch die Implementierung dieser Modelle in fortgeschrittene Sternentwicklungscodes wird SPIRE das Verständnis der Forschenden für die Dynamik des Universums verbessern.


The rotational dynamics of stars strongly impacts their evolution and those of their planetary and galactic environment. Space helio- and asteroseismology recently allowed an observational revolution in this domain. They revealed, e.g. that the core of the Sun is close to a uniform rotation while those of subgiant and red giant stars slow down drastically during their evolution. These important results demonstrate that powerful dynamical mechanisms (internal waves, magnetic fields, turbulence) are in action to extract angular momentum all along the evolution of stars.

Simultaneously, a very large diversity of stellar systems has been discovered and their number will strongly increase thanks to new space missions (K2, TESS, PLATO). It is thus urgent to progress on our understanding of star-planet and star-star interactions: highly complex dynamical processes leading to tidal dissipation in stars play a key role to shape the orbital architecture of their systems and they may deeply modify their evolution.

To interpret these observational breakthroughs, it is necessary to develop now new frontier theoretical and numerical long-term evolution models of rotating magnetic stars and of their systems. To reach this ambitious objective, the SPIRE project will develop new groundbreaking equations, prescriptions, and scaling laws that describe coherently all dynamical mechanisms that transport angular momentum and drive tidal dissipation in stars using advanced semi-analytical modeling and numerical simulations. They will be implemented in the new generation dynamical stellar evolution code STAREVOL and N-body code ESPER. This will allow us to provide state-of-the-art ab-initio integrated and coupled models for the long-term evolution of stars and of their systems, which cannot be directly simulated in 3D yet. SPIRE will thus provide key inputs for the whole astrophysical community: understanding the dynamics of stars is a fundamental step to understand our Universe.

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 839 633,77
75015 PARIS 15

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 1 839 633,77

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