Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BLEticket (Mobile ticketing system for urban transport)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2014-09-01 al 2014-11-30
The outputs for each one of the task demonstrate that the ActioTicket solution is free to operate in terms of IPR. During the execution of Phase 1, several scenarios have been studied and the output shows the solution to be relevant in the current market with room for development in order to offer a complete set of tools for end-users (transport companies and operators).
The economic feasibility of ActioTicket has also been widely analysed and the results show that the business model is viable (EBITDA margin = 30% after 6 years in the market).
Furthermore, a work plan for future steps has been developed, which involve the presentation of a Phase II proposal. The main objective for GEOACTIO is to become a lead company in the area of mobile e-ticketing for the ITS sector. Several pilot tests in different sectors are also planned for the Phase II executions, which will allow the company to develop and grow significantly.