Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GESTATE (testinG massivE STar formATion modEis)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-05-01 do 2017-04-30
A forming star is known to gain mass through episodic accretion events, rather than accretion flows (constant influx of material). Episodic accretion leads to the variable brightness well-known in low-mass young stars, including the extreme cases of FU-Ori type bursts. Such variations are hitherto unknown in high-mass stars. Our objective is to search for this variability using the VISTA VVV survey data.
Accretion flows forming high-mass stars are extremely dense, therefore, quickly become Jeans unstable and fragment into secondary stellar seeds. This seed competes with the primary, to gain mass from the common reservoir, setting an upper limit on how massive a star can become. Our aim is to examine the physics of this scenario using detailed observations of prototypical high-mass systems.
A high-mass protostar is subject to an enormous level of internal energy derived from Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction and early nuclear burning. It is also fed with high entropy material from the disk. It has been suggested that the high entropy drives the massive protostars to bloat/puff up during most of its formation phase as it adjusts itself. A bloated massive star will then have a cooler photosphere, albeit being luminous. We want to search for signatures of the bloated cooler and luminous photospheres in young massive stars.
Semester 2: The VISTA VVV data was used to identify high amplitude variable objects from the entire survey area. Spectral energy distributions were analysed to identify the sub-sample of young high-mass stars. Analysis of light curves and colours were made. This work was published in ApJ as lead author. ALMA proposal to cycle 4 call was submitted as PI and succeeded.
Semester 3: I undertook partial data analysis of the ALMA data to search for disks around O-stars (an EU level project with multi-country collaboration), shared by different sub-teams. I attended a special training course on XCLASS, which is a module especially developed for ALMA data when numerous unidentified emission lines are found and continuum fitting is a challenge for line forests. Proposals to test the bloated star scenario was submitted and succeeded.
Semester 4: The discovery of high-amplitude variable high-mass young stars led us to question the general nature of variability in high-mass stars. To do so we envisaged creating a new user-friendly VVV light curve database. The paw print photometry was merged with efficient noise and artefact removal and applied to the entire survey data resulting in a database that is being tested. A non-expert user will be able to query for source lists to obtain quick light curves.
Two new students were trained during the period, apart from the existing doctoral student at the University of Porto. I reviewed three articles for international journals, attended three international conferences, fostered new network and collaborations, delivered one conference talk, three seminars and presided over a PhD jury as the lead expert.
Mobility from Portugal to the UK, experience of undergraduate teaching and living in a university town led to a cultural and generational shock that took a while to stabilise - similar to a forming high-mass star bombarded with high-entropy gas. This shock led me to profound realisations, emerging from reflection and study. They have made positive changes in me, an unforeseen effect of mobility, the influence of which lies beyond the workplace and research topic. I believe cultural shock was an effect of moving from an economically weaker, conservative Catholic country to an economically superior multi-religious, cosmopolitan, Protestant country that is the stamp of liberalism and democracy. I intend to summarise/publish the detailed analysis of my reflection elsewhere at a later time which shall be appropriately acknowledged.