CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
A 10 page note summarising the outcomes from the international social survey workshop
National context report Draft 2Half page description for each target country
Impact reportsA 5-10 page report for each existing ESS ERIC Member country outlining the academic and non-academic impact of the ESS to date
Report on synergies between ESS and other cross-national research infrastructuresA 20 page report on synergies between ESS and other cross-national research infrastructures
ESS Prospectus for ESS ERIC membershipA 24 page print and digital booklet
Report on academic publishing workshopsA 3-5 page report from each workshop summarising its focus and outlining a plan for future collaboration / publication
State of the art report on current arrangements for the ESS ERIC funding and governance arrangements10 page report on the current arrangements in place and the issues requiring action
Specification for Impact Evaluation tender10+ page tender document
Google Scholar publication report10+ page report outlining the publications that have used ESS data and identifying trends and subgroup analysis
Impact monitoring tool - beta version availableOn-line tool that will populate an ESS impact database
Additional Impact ReportsImpact reports for those countries which have previously taken part in the ESS or those who currently have Guest status outlining the academic and non-academic impact of the ESS.
Final national context report Draft 3Half page description for each target country
Report on national committees and regional hubsReport summarising activities of these groups and likely synergetic ESS-SUSTAIN impacts
National Context Report Draft 1Half page description for each target country
Report on opportunities for Structural Funds in different countries15 page report on the use of ESIF in different countries with details of the RIS3 plans in place in specific countries and opportunities for potential use by ESS ERIC participating countries
Interim report on use of structural funds by RIs (opportunities and case studies)10 page report on current use of ESIF by Research Infrastructures
Revised press and communication strategy with multiple specifications at different activity and funding levels10 page report updating the ESS ERIC communications strategy.
Sustainability and ESIF – beyond 202010 page report on future possibilities for use of ESIF in Round 10 and beyond
Findings BookletPdf douments with a series of short articles describing ESS findings for a non-academic audience.
Beyond the state of the art report with recommendations for sustainable approaches to ESS ERIC governance and funding10 page report detailing options available with recommendations in respect of governance, funding arrangements and VAT implications
A set of PowerPoint presentations
Summary of presentations given to candidate countries by CST membersA set of PowerPoint files summarising key ESS information which can be reused for training purposes
Updated BibliographyOn-line bibliography updated with publications found by Google Scholar but not in the Bibliography (approximately 1500)
A full profile of the ESS SUSTAIN project will be developed for the main European Social Survey website. This profile will present an overview of the project and will be tailored to the needs of the policymakers and public communities.
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