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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for authorities

Descrizione del progetto

Misure di trasporto sostenibile per le città più piccole

Le innovazioni nelle misure di trasporto sono fondamentali per affrontare le sfide della congestione e dell’inquinamento, migliorando al contempo la qualità della vita nelle aree urbane. Tuttavia, le piccole città non dispongono delle capacità necessarie per implementare efficacemente iniziative di trasporto sostenibile. Il progetto SUITS, finanziato dall’UE, mira a colmare questa lacuna concentrandosi sul rafforzamento delle capacità delle autorità locali e delle organizzazioni di parti interessate nel settore dei trasporti, con particolare attenzione alle città di minori dimensioni. Modellando le lacune di conoscenza e comprendendo le debolezze delle città partecipanti, SUITS svilupperà strategie su misura per migliorare le capacità e trasformare i dipartimenti dei trasporti in organizzazioni di apprendimento. Tra i risultati principali figurano un programma di sviluppo delle capacità, soluzioni di apprendimento a bassa intensità di risorse e strumenti di ausilio alle decisioni. Verrà inoltre misurata l’efficacia nel ridurre i problemi legati ai trasporti.


SUITS takes a sociotechnical approach to capacity building in Local Authorities and transport stakeholder organisations with special emphasis on the transfer of learning to smaller sized cities, making them more effective and resilient to change in the judicious implementation of sustainable transport measures. Key outputs will be a validated capacity building program for transport departments, and resource light learning assets (modules, e-learning material, webinars and workshops), decision support tools to assist in procurement, innovative financing, engagement of new business partners and handling of open, real time and legacy data. SUITS argues that without capacity building and the transformation of transport departments into learning organisations, training materials will not provide the step change needed to provide innovative transport measures.
Working with nine cities to model gaps in their understanding, motivation, communication and work practices, will provide each city with a map of its own strengths and weaknesses with respect to sustainable transport planning. From this, strategies to enhance capacity, based on each authority’s needs will be developed and organisations provided with the necessary techniques to increase their own capacity, mentored directly by research partners. Local champions will be trained to continue capacity building after the project. Using the CIVITAS framework for impact evaluation, the effectiveness and impact of SUITS in enabling reductions in transport problems such as congestion and pollution while improving cities capacity to grow as well as the quality of life for urban dwellers and commuters through the development of inclusive, integrated transport measures will be measured in the cities and at individual, organisational and institutional levels. All project outcomes will be disseminated in a stakeholder engagement program at local, national and EU wide levels, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful transport measures.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 646 250,00
CV1 5FB Coventry
Regno Unito

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 646 250,00

Partecipanti (23)