CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement


Bessere soziale Inklusion von Frauen mit Behinderungen

Die Erwerbstätigkeit und die Eingliederung in den gesellschaftlichen Alltag stellen für Frauen mit Behinderungen eine große Herausforderung dar. Das Ziel des im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Projekts RISEWISE lautet, diese Herausforderungen anzugehen. Zu diesem Zweck wird projektintern angestrebt, den Bedarf und bewährte Praktiken in verschiedenen EU-Ländern zu ermitteln, die unterschiedliche kulturelle und sozioökonomische Umgebungen repräsentieren. Insbesondere wird ein innovatives Analyseverfahren angewandt, das den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Forschenden, an Innovationen Mitwirkenden und Fachkräften aus der Praxis fördert. Ergebnis von RISEWISE wird die erste umfassende weltweite Studie über Frauen mit Behinderungen sein, die in Europa durchgeführt wird und potenzielle Forschungsansätze untersucht, die die Realisierbarkeit und die Möglichkeiten für Innovationen bewerten. Aufgabe des Projekts ist außerdem, zu demonstrieren, wie sich die Stärkung der Kompetenzen von Frauen mit Behinderungen auf ein nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches und gesellschaftliches Wachstum auswirkt.


Women with disabilities have more difficulties to find an employment and to integrate in social day life activities than men with disabilities.
This project focuses on the collective of women with disabilities from different perspectives, trying to identify needs and best practices in several EU countries, representing different cultural and socio-economic environments, for the integration and improvement of their quality of life in several respects. By applying a novel analysis method, based on the experience acquired by the exchange of researchers, innovation staff and practitioners in the European area among the participating institutions, the project will identify a set of multi-sectorial research lines, to enhance integration and involvement of this population in the society along several dimensions.
The delimitation of the scope of the project to this sector of the population has several advantages. First, it is the first relevant study at a global scale that is performed in Europe on this collective. Second, it allows putting into practice and validating a novel social research method, with a strong multidisciplinary approach, with such a well delimited case study. novel potential research lines can be explored in different settings to assess their opportunity and feasibility. Fourth, it will show the impact that this collective may have on a sustainable growth in economy and society, from different respects, by empowering their capacities, so far undervalued. Fifth, it will establish a platform for cooperation among research groups and associations in EU that are aware of the situation of this collective, looking for their synergies. It is worth mentioning that advances on technologies and measures towards a stronger social engagement of disabled people have finally a positive impact also in the whole population as many examples show on how solutions have been transferred to the rest of society in fields such as computer interfaces, ergonomic solutions, etc.


€ 562 500,00
16126 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 562 500,00

Beteiligte (17)