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REnewable Low TEmperature District

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - RELaTED (REnewable Low TEmperature District)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-01-01 al 2022-06-30

District heating (DH) systems are identified as key systems to achieve the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and waste heat (WH( sources are foreseen at the same time as de-carbonized heat sources and the way to guarantee competitive energy costs with limited influence of fossil fuel supply price volatility. To achieve this, conversion of DHs is needed regarding:
- Reduction of their operation temperature to avoid current technical constraints in the integration of low-grade industrial heat sources,
- Introduction of larger shares of distributed heat sources based on RES and WH in the DH network.
- To guarantee economic viability with the trend of DH heat load reduction due to the evolution of the building stock toward NZEB (Near Zero Energy Buildings).
RELaTED has developed an innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) DH networks, which allows for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints. Also, ULT DH reduce operational costs due to fewer heat losses, better energy performance of heat generation plants and extensive use of de-carbonized energy sources at low marginal costs.
RELaTED approach followed the strategy of the electrical smart grids, in which energy generation is decentralized and consumers evolve to prosumers (they consume and produce energy).
The RELaTED ULT DH concept has been demonstrated in four complementary operation environments (new and existing DH, locations, climatic conditions, dimension…) in Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain. The demonstration activities included boththe reduction of operational temperature of the DH involved and the integration of innovative technologies developed within RELaTED:
- Triple function substation (3FS) concept for heat delivery, heat rejection and RES heat injection into the grid.
- A reversible heat pump concept for primary loop connection to DH (DHRHP), adapted to dual function for reject heat delivery to district network at low temperature.
- A building integrated low temperature solar thermal façade systems (BILTST) with direct connection to the district network.
Based on the project results, it can be concluded that ULT DH networks increase the efficiency, reducing distribution thermal losses and allowing to increase the share of residual and renewable sources of thermal energy in the supply of heating demand.
RELaTED, executed from November 2017 to June 2022, has defined the ULT concept, specified, designed & implemented its core technologies, performed DH cost modelling, defined, modelled & implemented its demonstration activities. Exploitation, dissemination and communication activities have also been developed.
In this process, the following results have been achieved:
- A proven concept
o LT DH concept, connection schemes for stakeholders, Flexible DH control schemes, and transition/development schemes to LT. (WP2)
o Design and performance assessment of BILTST, DHRHP and 3FS technologies. (WP3)
o DH cost modelling and economic models for stakeholders. (WP4)
o The RELaTED ULT concept has been demonstrated in 4 clearly different environments covering extremely different climatic conditions, construction traditions, urban density, pre-existing district scheme, ownership and energy services contract schemes. (WP5)
o Feasibility study in 2 EU regions (WP5)
- A commercially viable system
o Market-ready technologies based on project results: BILTST, DHRHP and 3FS technologies. (WP3&WP5)
o Replication projects expected for further subnetworks in Belgrade and Tartu.
o Development of an exploitation and business plan. (WP6)
- Dissemination of project results
o Edition of a book on ULT DH (WP6)
o Several dissemination and communication activities, workshops, webinars and materials, at both country level and European level. (WP6)
In RELaTED, lower distribution temperatures are paired by a set of innovative technologies enabling for the rearrangement of DH networks with local heat heat production, based on the following technologies:
- 3FS upgraded the concept of consumer substations into elements with bi-directional heat flow and net metering & energy billing. This technology has reached TRL 8-9.
- BILTST systems adapted traditional Solar Thermal systems for building integration into configurations compatible with DH, without further need of local heat storage, and the capacity to inject heat into the grid. This technology has reached TRL 8-9.
- DHRHP systems adapted low-temperature DH operation with higher distribution temperatures within HVAC systems, particular technical applications of heat, and possible heat recovery from cooling applications. This technology has reached TRL 8-9.
All three technologies were conceived to operate individually, but to achieve its maximum functionality in its seamless integration allowing for a common integration framework.

Achieved Project Results
- An ULT heat distribution concept at 40-45ºC, with large shares of renewable and residual energy sources.
- Core Technologies in RELaTED concept achieved high TRLs.
- Demonstration in 4 clearly different environments covering extremely different climatic conditions, construction traditions, urban density, pre-existing district scheme, ownership and energy services contract schemes
- Successful integration of local RES and waste heat production, and 3FS, DHRHP, and BILTST systems.
- Feasibility studies have been performed in 2 European regions.
- A commercially viable system
o The RELaTED ULT concept achieves a reduced cost of heat due to systematic use of low cost WH or RES at low temperatures, which reflect in reduced fossil fuel needs and lower exposure to price fluctuations in fuel imports.
o Standardized schemes have been defined to facilitate the integration of RES or WH producers within grids in operation.
o Flexible operational schemes which limit initial costs in production and distribution infrastructure and link capital investment to the growth profile of energy loads
o Maximisation of energy distribution by means of ULT heat extraction of return lines in existing DH networks.

- An adaptable and fair energy price scheme
o Demand-side heat load management based on real-time price scenarios for peak load shifting in residential and industrial customers.
o Profitable price schemes for service providers and affordable heat sources for customers of various scales: Individual housing, large consumers, multi-owner housing, etc. Assessment of profitable business scenarios for the deployment of distributed RES in District Heating.

Achieved Project Impacts
1. Final energy savings in the range of 570 MWh/year.
2. Competitiveness of the heat delivered by the proposed solutions: The impact of all the interventions in RELaTED results in economic saving in the range of 7.5 Million € (2021).
3. Increased share of WH and RES of thermal energy in the supply of heating demand. 12.5 GWh/year of residual heat recovery + 64 GWht/year of cogeneration is already in operation. Additionally, a large scale intervention in the range of 600MWt is to get into operation shortly after the end of RELaTED.
4. Replication by RELaTED partner DH networks, DH operators, research and institutional partners.
5. Replication by third parties in the DH community
BILTST system installed in the UN School, Belgrade
Low Temperature manifold in Iurreta, Spain
DHRHP & BILTST systems installed in Iurreta, Spain
RELaTED demonstration sites
Flue Gas Heat recovery in a heat production plant in Tartu, Estonia
RELaTED ULT transition sequence
BILTST installed in the Energy Flex House at DTI, Denmark
RELaTED 3FS and flow patterns in various operation modes
3FS instaled in the Energy Flex House at DTI, Denmark
3FS installed in the UN School, Belgrade
RELATED interconnection scheme
Mixing well for the flow temperature reduction to the TARKON area in Tartu, Estonia