CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

DEsign and MOdelling for improved BAttery Safety and Efficiency


Elektrofahrzeuge mit neuem Batteriedesign und Digitalisierung voranbringen

Bei der Weiterentwicklung erneuerbarer Energiequellen und der Elektromobilität in verschiedenen Fahrzeugtypen spielen Batterien eine zentrale Rolle. Zur Steigerung der Gesamteffizienz und Senkung der Produktionskosten von Batterien müssen Innovationen dringend gefördert werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DEMOBASE zielt darauf ab, das Design und die Sicherheit von Batterien für Elektroantriebssysteme und Elektrofahrzeuge erheblich zu verbessern. Außerdem soll mit dem Projekt der Bedarf an umfangreichen Tests und Entwicklungen minimiert werden. Durch die Ausnutzung dieser Fortschritte zusammen mit fortgeschrittenen Digitalisierungsmethoden wird mit DEMOBASE angestrebt, Elektrofahrzeuge zu optimieren und so die Branche in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen.


Electric mobility is a reality we can experience on our roads and cities. Electromobility is moving forward, driven by drastic cost reductions, higher performances and improved availability to support new business models of autonomous driving passenger cars and new vehicle fleets.
DEMOBASE falls within this context with the main objectives to cut down development and testing efforts for e-drivetrains at least by a factor 2 and to improve their efficiency by 20%. Safety will be fully managed and new concepts developed for fleet applications.
DEMOBASE is composed of 11 leading European partners with activities ranging from cells to vehicle to recycling. The main gain at vehicle level will come from global optimization taking into account interaction of the different specialties.
Objectives at battery level will be achieved by massive digitalization, substituting the today sequential cell development then battery system development by a parallelization of these activities. This new process can be achieved only using enhanced cells models including safety features to define the cell conception for manufacturing and realizing in the same time frame battery management.
Objectives at vehicle level will be achieved with a novel approach to design light-weight chassis. It will be demonstrated on a urban demo vehicle that will integrate the advanced battery pack and novels wheel-tire systems with low suspension mass and low rolling resistance.
To secure project deliveries and reinforce collaborations which are an innovation key factor, DEMOBASE will be an original closed-loop project. In a first loop of the EV development, building blocks and their integration processes will be investigated and their efficiency assessed using Key Performance Indicators. Then the most efficient bricks and processes will demonstrate their added value in a second step in 6 months run starting from new high performances cells to operational EV. The DEMOBASE EV will be then evaluated on tracks.

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