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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitisation of natural heritage

Risultati finali

Open access implementation guidelines for DiSSCo

A concise report on how to implement the principles of Open Data / Open Access in DiSSCo with the basic premise ‘as open as possible, as closed as (legally) necessary’. The report will be based, e.g., on the experiences of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility FinBIF, and other major data sharing initiatives. Output of T6.1

Stakeholder round tables

A report detailing the results of all other roundtables conducted during the duration of the project with selected audiences, key technology-holders and users of the data for the RI. Results from this report will determine details of the design. Output of T9.3

Digitisation of private collections

A report on pilots aimed at testing several approaches to include small and private collections in European digitisation efforts. Output of T5.3

A compilation of the reports from the four all-hands meetings

The all-hands meetings are working meetings, rather than just information-sharing events, and the results of the co-creation processes will be documented and finally compiled into a joint report. (M26). Output of T1.2

Natural history collections and digital skills of citizens

The Deliverable comprises an analysis of the current status in citizen science, education and public participation of natural history collection digitisation and transcription. Also a general review will be given as to how the digital content of the natural history collections provides additional value to environmental education and awareness of the general public. An oOverview of regional and cultural differences in these aspects will be given and guidelines will be proposed on how to effectively overcome the differences. Output of T5.1

Linking cultural heritage of natural sciences and humanities

A report that will follow the roundtable with representatives from the cultural domain to gather and summarize potential synergies between natural sciences and cultural heritage collections, in particular with regards to accession books and field notebooks. Output of T9.4

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of skins and other vertebrate material

Report on the perspectives on mass imaging of skins and other vertebrate material from methods used for other collections. Recommendations in this report will lower the threshold to get more digitisation going in this area. Output of T3.1.4

Positioning DiSSCo among other research infrastructures

This landscape analysis will contain a detailed analysis of where DiSSCo fits in the global landscape of research infrastructures, specifically in the environmental domain, including the various ways how the already existing RIs can profit from DiSSCo and vice-versa. Possible collaboration paths with existing e-infrastructures and initiatives will form part of the analysis. Output of T9.5

Data quality in transcription

A report on methods and best practice in transcription, in particular from the view of data quality management and data linking.

Communication and dissemination plan

A strategy document outlining the target audiences of ICEDIG as well as the procedures that will be implemented and the channels to be used for communication and dissemination of the project. Output of T9.1

Digitisation infrastructure design for EUDAT

The deliverable specifies the requirements for adaptating EUDAT services. Its features, capacities, functions and costs will be considered, and its suitability for storage of large scale digitised biodiversity data will be assessed. Recommendations of use and possible designs will be given. Output of T6.3.2

Inventory of criteria for prioritization of digitization of collections focussed on scientific and societal needs

A dataset as a result of an extensive survey about criteria used to prioritize collections for digitisation supplemented with criteria resulting from a gap analysis of the dataset. Output of T2.1

Best practice guidelines for bulk imaging of herbarium specimens

Best practice guidelines including physical preparation and organisation of specimens. Sharing the knowledge of the digitization of tens of millions herbarium specimen in the last decade. Output of T3.1.1

Improving the detection of collection-based citizen science projects

The Deliverable comprises an analysis of existing citizen science project metadata standards (as PPRS-CORE) and of how the underlying collection-based biodiversity data and relevant digitisation efforts can be detected through this. Recommendations will be given for complementing the metadata with the elements for describing the digitisation efforts and the quality of biodiversity-related content. Output of T5.4

Conceptual design blueprint for the digitisation infrastructure of DiSSCo

A ‘blueprint’ report on technological design innovations, organisational consolidation, partnership, governance and business model proposals for constructing the digitisation infrastructure of DiSSCo.

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of microscopic and other slides

Report on the state of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of microscopic and other slides including the demand and outlook for improvement This will be a practical source of knowledge for other collection holders Output of T315

Rapid 3D capture methods in biological collections and related fields

A report on existing and projected mass digitisation operations with a focus on capturing 3D data of specimens, and their associated 2D images of labels, on a large scale. The report will review alternative 3D model construction methods and address issues such as lighting setup, positioning of scanners, post-processing, etc. and make practical recommendations. Output of T3.2

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of pinned insects

A report containing a concise review of methods used to date for mass imaging of insects and of their performance and scalability; descriptions of novel approaches and their potential performance; and, where relevant, descriptions of results of pilot trials of novel techniques. The report aims to give recommendations on how to significantly improve the throughput by comparing current practice results with trials and outlook of added (new) technology. Output of T3.1.2

Quality control methodology for digitization operations

A report on the quality control methodologies, and associated best practice workflows and tools for different collection types to be applied during and after the imaging process. Output of T3.4

Cost Book of the digitisation infrastructure of DiSSCo

A report on costings of different methods of digitisation and of constructing/operating digitisation infrastructure of DiSSCo.

Updating data standards in transcription

This task will take the recommendations of the other reports in WP4 and make recommendations to official standards organizations, such as TDWG, to improve standards for data quality and interoperability.

Cost analysis of transcription methods

A report that summarizes the costs of different transcription methods and makes recommendations as to which to adopt for different types of collections and aims.

Digitisation infrastructure design for national open science clouds

A report on the feasibility and (potential) role of national open science clouds to store data produced by DiSSCo, including descriptions of services, capacities, costs, and data flows from digitisation facilities to these national level systems and further to European systems. Output of T6.3.1

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of liquid samples

A decision matrix, which combines an overview of resources versus results based on former projects, information demand, and applicability of best practise in other collections, to support mass imaging initiatives of liquid samples. Output of T3.1.3

Provisional Data Management Plan for the DiSSCo infrastructure

A plan describing all requirements for data management including processes and specifications to be incorporated into the DiSSCo research infrastructure. Output of T6.2

Methods for automated text digitization

A report on methods for automated image and text analysis employed for digitization of natural history specimens. It will include the design of a scientific workflow, which will organise the key data manipulation steps involved in digitization into a logical sequence and its use in a pilot project.

Interoperability with institutional collection management systems

A specification report for software engineers involved in the development of institutional collection management systems to ensure minimum standards of compatibility between systems. Linking to external services in EOSC will also be covered.

Prioritizing scientific and societal needs for data of small and private collections

An inventory adequately describing small and private collections in Europe, a protocol and a responsible party to keep the inventory up to date as well as a communication strategy that ensures the participation of small and private collections in digitisation of European collections. Output of T2.2

R&D in robotics with potential to automating handling of biological collections

Report containing the specifications for the advancement in development in robotics with potential to automating handling of biological collections. These produced requirements will be practical for further pilot projects and R&D. Type of dissemination is actually both R and DEM; a report will also be produced. Output of T3.3

Design of a collection digitization dashboard

A tested design for an online visualisation tool showing the digitisation of European collections incorporating current status, ongoing projects and their results. Output of T2.3

Digitisation infrastructure design for Zenodo

Type of dissemination is actually R and DEM; both a report and a pilot/prototype will be produced. The deliverable report results from testing the Zenodo infrastructure. Its features, capacities, functions and costs will be considered, and its suitability for storage of large scale digitised biodiversity data will be assessed. Recommendations of use and possible designs will be given. Output of T6.3.3

Common digital research agenda

Outputs from tasks 7.2 and 7.3 will be added to the website and the design will be refined based on feedback from the consortium, ensuring that it is visually engaging and useful to all stakeholders.

Policy component of ICEDIG project website

An interactive and visually appealing component of the project website will be developed from the database of policy/legislation relevant to collection holding institutions, containing the outputs from task 7.1 and 7.2. Site development will be an iterative process with initial delivery in month 10. The site will be the foundation for delivery of results from other policy tasks.

Recommendations for volunteer transcription systems and a source repository

The deliverable consists of a report comparing the pros and cons of existing European and global platforms for citizen participation in transcription of imaged specimens, and a repository of stable versions of source codes and associated documentation of such participatory web platforms. Recommendations on best practice and further developments will be included in the report. Type of dissemination is actually R and DEC; both a report and a website repository will be produced. Output of T5.2

Data management plan of the ICEDIG project

The data management plan (DMP) will describe how data are collected or created, stored, and made available in ICEDIG. The DMP will be constructed and made publicly available using a suitable on-line platform, such as Zenodo, DMPTuuli, or alike. Output of T6.1


Prioritising scientific and societal needs for data of private natural history collections

Autori: van Egmond, E.M.; Willemse, L.; Runnel, V.; Saarenmaa, H.; Koivunen, A.; Lahti, K.; Livermore, L.
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2582994

Evaluation of Existing Volunteer Transcription Systems

Autori: Le Bras, Gwenaël; Chagnoux, Simon
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2578938

Inventory of criteria for prioritization of digitisation of collections focussed on scientific and societal needs

Autori: Bakker, Hannco P.A.J.; Willemse, Luc; van Egmond, Emily; Casino, Ana; Gödderz, Karsten; Vermeersch, Xavier
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2579156

Specification of data exchange format for transcription platforms

Autori: Le Bras, Gwenaël; Chagnoux, Simon; Dillen, Mathias
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2598413

Report on implementation of open access policies in collection institutions. MILESTONE – MS35

Autori: Saarenmaa, Hannu; Agosti, Donat; Dillen, Matthias; Egloff, Willi; Gagnier, Pierre-Yves; Groom, Quentin; Hardisty, Alex; Raes, Niels
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2632740

Interactions between the communities of Les Herbonautes and Die Herbonauten: Observation notes

Autori: Gwenaël Le Bras; Simon Chagnoux
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2599714

Design of a Collection Digitisation Dashboard

Autori: Egmond, E. van, L. Willemse, D. Paul, M. Woodburn, A. Casino, K. Gödderz, X. Vermeersch, J. Bloothoofd, A. Wijers and N. Raes
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2621055

ALICE: Angled Label Image Capture and Extraction for high throughput insect specimen digitisation

Autori: Price, B. W., Dupont, S., Allan, E. L., Blagoderov, V., Butcher, A. J., Durrant, J., Holtzhausen, P., Kokkini, P., Livermore, L. & Smith, V.
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: OSF Preprints
DOI: 10.31219/

A Low Cost Approach to Specimen Level Imaging of Natural History Microscope Slides using a DSLR System

Autori: Allan, E. L., Price, B. W., Shchedrina, O., Dupont, S., Livermore, L., & Smith, V.
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: OSF Preprints
DOI: 10.31219/

An Evaluation of In-house versus Out-sourced Data Capture at the Meise Botanic Garden (BR)

Autori: Engledow, Henry, De Smedt, Sofie, Bogaerts, Ann, & Groom, Quentin
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1445426

Communication and dissemination plan

Autori: CETAF
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020

Widening access to European natural science collections with Digital Specimens and Natural Science Identifiers (NSId)

Autori: Hardisty, A. R.
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: Alex Hardisty

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of skins and other vertebrate material

Autori: van Walsum Myriam; van der Mije Steven; Wijers Agnes; Willemse Luc
Pubblicato in: Numero 9, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364385

Improving the detection of collection-based citizen science projects

Autori: Runnel Veljo; Wijers Agnes
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364519

Report on New Methods for Data Quality Assurance, Verification and Enrichment

Autori: Phillips Sarah; Dillen Mathias; Groom Quentin; Green Laura; Weech Marie- Hélène; Wijkamp Noortje
Pubblicato in: Numero 6, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364509

ICEDIG - Data Management Plan

Autori: Saarenmaa Hannu; Agosti Donat; Chagnoux Simon; van Egmond Emily; Groom Quenting; Hardisty Alex
Pubblicato in: Numero 5, 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364523

Digitisation infrastructure design for EUDAT / CINES

Autori: Cazenave Nicolas; Béchard Lorène; Rouchon Olivier
Pubblicato in: Numero 2, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364533

Interoperability of Collection Management Systems

Autori: Mathias Dillen; Quentin Groom; Alex Hardisty
Pubblicato in: Numero 3, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3361598

Natural history collections and digital skills of citizens

Autori: Runnel Veljo; Hardy Helen; Sanghera Harpreet; Robinson Lucy; Shennan Victoria; Livermore Laurence; De Smedt Sofie
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364541

Methods for Automated Text Digitisation

Autori: Owen David; Groom Quentin; Hardisty Alex; Leegwater Thijs; van Walsum Myriam; Wijkamp Noortje; Spasić Irena
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364502

Quality Management Methodologies for Digitisation Operations

Autori: Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, Myriam van Walsun,Paul Rosin, Xianfang Sun & Agnes Wijers
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469521

Policy Component of ICEDIG Project Website

Autori: Agosti Donat; Egloff Will
Pubblicato in: Numero 3, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3366656

Updating data standards in transcription

Autori: Quentin Groom; Mathias Dillen; Helen Hardy; Sarah Phillips; Luc Willemse; Zhengzhe Wu
Pubblicato in: Numero 5, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386210

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of pinned insects

Autori: Zhengzhe Wu (UH), Anne Koivunen (UH), Hannu Saarenmaa(UH), Myriam van Walsum (PIC), Agnes Wijers (PIC), LucWillemse (Naturalis), Toivo Ylinampa (NampaWorks Ltd)
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3520667

Digitisation infrastructure design for national open science clouds

Autori: Wu, Zhengzhe; Saarenmaa, Hannu; Riihikoski, Ville-Matti; Nieva de la Hidalga, Abraham; Hardisty, Alex; Dillen, Mathias; Groom, Quentin
Pubblicato in: Numero 4, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469490

Best practice guidelines for imaging of herbarium specimens

Autori: Guiraud, Michel; Groom, Quentin; Bogaerts, Ann; De Smedt, Sofie; Dillen, Mathias; Saarenmaa, Hannu; Wijkamp, Noortje; Van der Mije, Steve; Wijers, Agnes; Wu, Zhengzhe
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3524263

Digitisation infrastructure design for Zenodo. Deliverable D6.3

Autori: Agosti, Donat; Nielsen, Lars Holm; Dillen, Mathias; Groom, Quentin
Pubblicato in: Numero 9, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3346782

Humanities Researcher Synergies with Natural Science Collections and Archives

Autori: Loo, Tina; Casino, Ana; Gödderz, Karsten; Wijers, Agnes
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2020
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3685633

Rapid 3D capture methods in biological collections and related fields

Autori: Nieva de la Hidalga, Abraham; Rosin, Paul; Sun, Xianfang; van Walsun, Myriam; Wu, Zhengzhe
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469531

Positioning DiSSCo among other research infrastructures

Autori: Goodson, Hilary; Gödderz, Karsten; Casino, Ana; Dimitris Koureas; Walton, Stephanie
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2020
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3733032

Open access implementation guidelines for DiSSCo. Deliverable D6.5

Autori: Saarenmaa, Hannu; Agosti, Donat; Dillen, Mathias; Egloff, Willi; Gagnier, Pierre-Yves; Groom, Quentin; Hardisty, Alex; Raes, Niels
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3465284

Provisional Data Management Plan for DiSSCo infrastructure. Deliverable D6.6

Autori: Hardisty, Alex
Pubblicato in: Numero 8, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3532936

R&D in robotics with potential to automate handling of biological collections

Autori: van Walsum, Myriam; Wijers, Agnes; Hardy, Helen; Livermore, Laurence
Pubblicato in: 2020
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3719101

Zenodo, an Archive and Publishing Repository: A tale of two herbarium specimen pilot projects

Autori: Dillen, Mathias; Groom, Quentin; Agosti, Donat; Nielsen, Lars Holm
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490789

State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of liquid samples

Autori: van Walsum, Myriam; Wijers, Agnes; Kamminga, Pepijn; van der Mije, Steven; van Dorp, Karen
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3469546

Working with citizens to enrich data: recommendations and source repository. Deliverable 5.1

Autori: Le Bras, Gwenaël; Chagnoux, Simon; Dillen, Mathias
Pubblicato in: 2019
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3552318

Communication and Dissemination Plan. Deliverable 9.1

Autori: Keyaert, Kevin; Casino, Ana; Gödderz, Karsten
Pubblicato in: Numero 1, 2018
Editore: ICEDIG / EU Horizon 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3539164

Future Challenges in Digitisation of Private Natural History Collections

Autori: Luc Willemse, Emily van Egmond, Veljo Runnel, Hannu Saarenmaa, Ana Rubio, Karsten Gödderz, Xavier Vermeersch
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37640

Towards a Global Collection Description Standard

Autori: Niels Raes, Emily van Egmond, Ana Casino, Matt Woodburn, Deborah L Paul
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37894


Autori: Toivo Ylinampa, Hannu Saarenmaa
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37473

Automated Methods in Digitisation of Pinned Insects

Autori: Zhengzhe Wu, Jere Kahanpää, Pasi Sihvonen, Anne Koivunen, Hannu Saarenmaa
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.38260

Use of Semantic Segmentation for Increasing the Throughput of Digitisation Workflows for Natural History Collections

Autori: Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, David Owen, Irena Spacic, Paul Rosin, Xianfang Sun
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37161

State of Digitisation and Gap Analysis Surveys

Autori: Sarah Phillips, Elspeth Haston, Laura Green, Marie-Helene Weech, Robert Cubey, Sally King, Robyn Drinkwater
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 2, 2018, Pagina/e e25969, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.2.25969

Next Steps in Data Capture from Specimen Labels and Data Integration: Lessons learnt from the ICEDIG pilots

Autori: Mathias Dillen, Quentin Groom, Sarah Phillips, Irena Spasic
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37081

An Evaluation of In-house versus Out-sourced Data Capture at the Meise Botanic Garden (BR)

Autori: Henry Engledow, Sofie De Smedt, Ann Bogaerts, Quentin Groom
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 2, 2018, Pagina/e e26514, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.2.26514

Evaluating Methods for Transcribing Specimen Labels

Autori: Sarah Phillips, Mathias Dillen, Laura Green, Quentin Groom, Marie-Helene Weech
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37306

Crowdsourcing, is it a good option for your collection digitization?

Autori: Quentin Groom, Ann Bogaerts, Sofie De Smedt, Sarah Phillips
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 2, 2018, Pagina/e e25410, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.2.25410

Zenodo, an Archive and Publishing Repository: A tale of two herbarium specimen pilot projects

Autori: Mathias Dillen, Quentin Groom, Donat Agosti, Lars Nielsen
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37080

‘The Last Mile’: The registry behind the identifier

Autori: Alex Hardisty, Larry Lannom, Dimitris Koureas, Wouter Addink, Claus Weiland
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37034

Use of European Open Science Cloud and National e-Infrastructures for the Long-Term Storage of Digitised Assets from Natural History Collections

Autori: Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, Nicolas Cazenave, Donat Agosti, Zhengzhe Wu, Mathias Dillen, Lars Nielsen
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37164

‘openDS’ – A New Standard for Digital Specimens and Other Natural Science Digital Object Types

Autori: Alex Hardisty, Keping Ma, Gil Nelson, Jose Fortes
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37033

Making Heterogeneous Specimen Data ‘FAIR’: Implementing a digital specimen repository

Autori: Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, Alex Hardisty
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37163

Requirement Analysis for the DiSSCo Research Infrastructure

Autori: Niels Raes, Emily van Egmond, Wouter Addink, Alex Hardisty
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37892

Digital Object Cloud for linking natural science collections information; The case of DiSSCo 

Autori: Dimitrios Koureas, Wouter Addink, Alex Hardisty
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 2, 2018, Pagina/e e25474, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.2.25474

Service-based information extraction from herbarium specimens

Autori: Fabian Reimeier, Dominik Röpert, Anton Güntsch, Agnes Kirchhoff, Walter G. Berendsohn
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 2, 2018, Pagina/e e25415, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.2.25415

Collections Digitization and Assessment Dashboard, a Tool for Supporting Informed Decisions

Autori: Ana Casino, Niels Raes, Wouter Addink, Matt Woodburn
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37505

Mass-imaging of microscopic and other slides

Autori: Allan Louise E.; Price Benjamin W.; Shchedrina Olha; Dupont Steen; Livermore Laurence; Smith Vince S.
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Data Journal, Numero 1, 2019, ISSN 1314-2828
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364481

Different Approaches between First and Second Mass Digitisation Project for the Herbarium (BR) at Meise Botanic Garden

Autori: Sofie De Smedt, Ann Bogaerts, Henry Engledow, Quentin Groom
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Numero 3, 2019, ISSN 2535-0897
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/biss.3.37259

A Novel Automated Mass Digitisation Workflow for Natural History Microscope Slides

Autori: E Louise Allan, Laurence Livermore, Benjamin Price, Olha Shchedrina, Vincent Smith
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Data Journal, Numero 7, 2019, ISSN 1314-2828
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/bdj.7.e32342

A benchmark dataset of herbarium specimen images with label data

Autori: Mathias Dillen, Quentin Groom, Simon Chagnoux, Anton Güntsch, Alex Hardisty, Elspeth Haston, Laurence Livermore, Veljo Runnel, Leif Schulman, Luc Willemse, Zhengzhe Wu, Sarah Phillips
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Data Journal, Numero 7, 2019, ISSN 1314-2828
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/bdj.7.e31817

FAIR Data and Services in Biodiversity Science and Geoscience

Autori: Lannom, L., Koureas, D., and Hardisty, A.R.
Pubblicato in: Data Intelligence special issue: ‘FAIR best practices’, 2019, ISSN 2641-435X
Editore: National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Georeferencing the Natural History Museum's Chinese type collection: of plateaus, pagodas and plants

Autori: Krisztina Lohonya, Laurence Livermore, Malcolm Penn
Pubblicato in: Biodiversity Data Journal, Numero 8, 2020, ISSN 1314-2828
Editore: Pensoft Publishers
DOI: 10.3897/bdj.8.e50503

Conceptual design blueprint for the DiSSCo digitization infrastructure - DELIVERABLE D8.1

Autori: Alex Hardisty, Hannu Saarenmaa, Ana Casino, Mathias Dillen, Karsten Gödderz, Quentin Groom, Helen Hardy, Dimitris Koureas, Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, Deborah Paul, Veljo Runnel, Xavier Vermeersch, Myriam van Walsum, Luc Willemse
Pubblicato in: Research Ideas and Outcomes, Numero 6, 2020, ISSN 2367-7163
Editore: Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) journal
DOI: 10.3897/rio.6.e54280

Ahead of the curve: three approaches to mass digitisation of vials with a focus on label data capture

Autori: Steen Dupont, Josh Humphries, Alice Butcher, Edward Baker, Laura Balcells, Benjamin Price
Pubblicato in: Research Ideas and Outcomes, Numero 6, 2020, ISSN 2367-7163
Editore: Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) journal
DOI: 10.3897/rio.6.e53606

Improved standardization of transcribed digital specimen data

Autori: Quentin Groom, Mathias Dillen, Helen Hardy, Sarah Phillips, Luc Willemse, Zhengzhe Wu
Pubblicato in: Database, Numero 2019, 2019, ISSN 1758-0463
Editore: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/database/baz129

FAIR Data and Services in Biodiversity Science and Geoscience

Autori: Larry Lannom, Dimitris Koureas, Alex R. Hardisty
Pubblicato in: Data Intelligence, Numero 2/1-2, 2020, Pagina/e 122-130, ISSN 2641-435X
Editore: MIT Press
DOI: 10.1162/dint_a_00034

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