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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Trustworthy and Circular Smart Cities

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IDEAL-CITIES (Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Trustworthy and Circular Smart Cities)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-07-01 al 2020-06-30

DEAL-CITIES (Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Circular, SAfe and IncLusive Smart CITIES) aims to provide a novel, open and extensible platform to enable the secure and resilient acquisition and sharing of information that is collected by individual citizens and/or authorities, through IoT on Smart Cities and participatory sensing assisted with Big Data and Cloud services, with the goal to improve the well-being and inclusivity of citizens (especially vulnerable citizen groups), produce more effective response to crime or other emergencies, and overall make Smart Cities feel more secure and safe to the citizens living in them. The platform will enable the development and runtime operation and management of different IoTPS applications in Cloud architectures by offering an open and extensible set of four fundamental capabilities: connecting, securing, monitoring and locating all IoTPS devices reliably.

To achieve its overall aim, IDEAL-CITIES will undertake research and development activities driven by the following objectives:

O1: Develop an open modular platform (referred to as the IDEAL-CITIES platform) supporting the development, integration and operational management of IoTPS applications, enabling the capture, processing, analysis and exchange of contextualized information amongst citizens and/or amongst citizens and public authorities utilizing Big Data analytics and Cloud technologies. The platform will offer cross-sectorial IoT services which can be utilized by IoTPS applications.

O2: Foster the adoption of the IDEAL-CITIES platform by the development community by creating a framework for development of compatible IoTPS applications in a verifiably secure, sustainable and trustworthy manner.

O3: Contribute to the city’s circular economy by optimizing resource utilization and extending the lifecycle of the IoT-enabled devices through intelligent asset management. The IDEAL-CITIES platform will support this functionality by design.

O4: Develop two fully-fledged IoTPS Applications with a focus on mobility for the impaired, and citizen safety, based on (and demonstrating the utility of) the IDEAL-CITIES platform and approach.

O5: Evaluate the IDEAL-CITIES approach and platform with emphasis on key multi-disciplinary factors underpinning the perception of quality of life, safety and inclusivity of citizens, and evaluate the effect of the IoTPS applications on these factors.
With in the first reporting period several work has been completed:

Definition of Circular Economy models for smart city assets considerin both the business models strand and the technological enablers.
Definition of the User, Trust and Reputation Models for Smart City services covering the whole sociotechnical system, that is both people/citizens and IoT device.
Analysed the Risk analysis and perceived security and its effect on citizens’ decision making influenced by trust
Specification and development of the IDEAL-CITIES for Circularity, Resilience, Security and Privacy patterns suitable of showcasing the main features and characteristics of a data-driven circular economy scenario, these were decomposed into the requirements for security, resiliency and privacy

development/adopting mechanisms for the edge computing and decentralized dynamic frequency use, the distributed
development/adopting loading negotiation protocols for resoucre sharing
intriducing a visual referenced localization aproach for indoor or other GPS service denied enviroments
defintiion of the privacy mechanisms and requirements for Smart Cities and Internet of Things

Survey on stakeholders requirements
Definition of platfomr requiremenrts
Definition of the platform architecture
Maping of pilot requirements to the architecture components
Participation in RISE projects bring enormous opportunities for the consortium to exchange knowledge and build better understanding across sectors. Cooperation of commercial partners with academia and vice versa allows to advance the business perspective with newest advancements of research while in reverse to provide insight of business sector perspective and needs to researchers. During 4 years of project cooperation, consortium will perform many dissemination and exploitation activities strengthening cooperation between each partner as per strategical cooperation lasting beyond the project.
Building Institutional-level Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is one of the planned initiatives which enabled extended collaboration in research and education. Market exploitation and presentation of the project results is one of the ambitions of the commercial partners and might be performed within commercial conferences enabling wide the discussions among relevant stakeholders in various sectors. Such wide discussions will bring added value of enhancing the impact of smart cities and circular economy ideas. Moreover, research findings of IDEAL-CITIES project will be exploited and used to solve the most advanced problems and challenges met within business activities of commercial partners.
Envisaged joint supervision for Early Stage Researchers, allowing to advance the research field will be reinforced beyond the end of the IDEAL-CITIES project in a form of tutorship provided by academia partners (FORTH, ENPC and BU) and internships opportunities provided by commercial partners (CBN, BLS and NP). This enables to strengthen the academia position as an advisory body for top notch solution delivery to the most complex and manifold challenges encountered in the ICT sector in particular in the areas of IoT, Data Security and trustworthy applications and services for Smart Cities. In reverse, commercial sector will act as an inspiration for tackling new research fields and bringing real life challenges to research field in order to further advance the existing problem solutions.
Such an approach closely relates to patent applications for newest research findings which is the way to ensure the intellectual property rights protection. Patents being the strategic value for the business planning and ensuring proper financial backup, consortium will be closely monitoring the project outcomes from the perspective of potential for patent applications and joint patents applications will be submitted whenever relevant. As per the Consortium is strongly devoted to continue the cooperation beyond the project, joint patents are another factor bolstering the cooperation in a long-term horizon.
The composition of the IDEAL-CITIES is a very solid foundation for possible research-based spin-offs. Bringing together the perspective of most urgent and complex commercial challenges and the most recent research fields and findings, allows to combine those into most innovative products, services or business models for emerging companies. Consortium membered with an experience in that field are willing to provide their experience in any moment when such a spin-off opportunity will be identified. The Consortium is willing to cooperate in that matter during the project as well as after the project ends and considers various opportunities to build non-profit organizations, self-sustainable companies or joint venture initiatives
Technical meeting at Burnemouth Univesity
IdealCities @ the AWS transformation Day in Warsaw
Ideal Cities @ theWorld Circular Economy Forum 2018, held in Tokyo, Japan
PACT workshop @ Cyprus
Ideal Cities @ the British Geological Survey
Researcher Night 2018 @FORTH, Heraklio Greece