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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Intelligence-Driven Urban Internet-of-Things Ecosystems for Trustworthy and Circular Smart Cities

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Security policy and mechanisms for security, privacy and trust

This deliverable will specify: (a) the first version of a contextual security policy and its enforcement, and (b) the authentication, authorization, privacy enhancing, and trusted computing mechanisms that will be used in the IDEAL-CITIES platform.

IDEAL-CITIES Platform requirements and Architecture

This deliverable will specify the requirements identified for the IDEAL-CITIES platform as well as document the initial architecture of IDEAL-CITIES platform and provide an architecture level specification of the functional role and interface of its components

IoT Cloud infrastructure and location sensing in urban environments

This report will describe the adaptation various technologies of wireless sensor networks and IoT (spectrum sensing and allocation), presenting also techniques for spectrum/interference management. This deliverable will also present virtualization techniques to support the interconnectivity of smart IoT objects concealing their underlying heterogeneous technologies. The report will also include the specification and implementation of the mechanisms for location sensing in urban and indoor environments.

Final report on impact creation, standardization, outreach and exploitation activities

This report includes the overall project activities for exploitation, dissemination and standardization, as well as an assessment of the results of the coordination with other EU initiatives and the final results of the continuous assessment

Integrated and self-adaptable infrastructure and real time adaptation

This deliverable will include the specification and implementation of the mechanisms for communicating and fusing the results of the different monitors of the IDEAL-CITIES monitoring infrastructure. The deliverable will also include the specification and implementation of the mechanisms enabling the dynamic adaptation of the monitoring infrastructure of IDEAL-CITIES as well as will the specification and implementation of the mechanisms for self-management of networks and context aware adaptation of security services.

Risk Analysis, User, Trust and Reputation models for Smart Cities

Model for quantifying the security and economic risk perceived by user models identified in Task 2.1 and a methodology for identifying security properties that improve the security perception of a given persona.

Ideal Cities pilots, Cross Cross-Evaluation and Validation

This deliverable will include the prototype and the related documentation of the Assisted Mobility and Lifelogging pilots. Moreover this report will include: (i) an analysis of the results from D2.1 and D2.2, presenting a cross-evaluation of the IDEAL-CITIES platform and IoTPS applications across the different experiments, (ii) the results of a controlled evaluation of the use of the IDEAL-CITIES sandbox and CRSP patterns in developing IoTPS applications; and (iii) general final recommendation regarding the use of the IDEAL-CITIES approach in developing citizen security and safety centric Smart City IoTPS applications.

Circular Economy models for smart city assets

This deliverable will define and describe the initial trust and reputation models based on the user models identified in the previous task


This deliverable will be the first integrated working prototype of the IDEAL-CITIES platform. It will also provide a description of this prototype; the tests performed on it, and a set of basic usage instructions for it. The deliverable will also include a revised version of the architecture.


This deliverable will define and describe the syntax and semantics of the of the pattern specification language of IDEAL-CITIES

Impact creation, dissemination and exploitation plan

This report includes the initial plan for the impact creation and exploitation and the respective first year activities. This report will also include the assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the project.


Translating Contextual Integrity into Practice using CLIFOD

Autori: Henriksen-Bulmer, J., Faily, S., and Katos, V.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2018 Networked Privacy Workshop at CSCW (2018), 2018
Editore: Workshop WebSite

IDEAL-CITIES - A Trustworthy and Sustainable Framework for Circular Smart Cities

Autori: Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos, Vasilios Katos, Theodoros Kostoulas, Andreas Miaoudakis, Nikolaos Petroulakis, George Alexandris,Giorgos Demetriou, Giuditta Morandi,Karolina Waledzik, Urszula Rak, Marios Panayiotou,Christos Iraklis Tsatsoulis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Smart Circular Economy (SmaCE 2019), 2019
Editore: IEEE

Online peer support groups to combat digital addiction: User acceptance and rejection factors

Autori: Aldhayan, M., Cham, S., Kostoulas, T., Basel Almourad, M., Ali, R.
Pubblicato in: WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019, Pagina/e 139-150
Editore: Springer

Digital Addiction: Negative Life Experiences and Potential for Technology-Assisted Solutions.

Autori: Cham, S., Algashami, A., Aldhayan, M., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. T., Almourad, M.B., Ali, R.
Pubblicato in: WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019, Pagina/e 921-931
Editore: Springer

Problematic Attachment to Social Media: Lived Experience and Emotions.

Autori: Altuwairiqi, M., Kostoulas, T., Powell, G., Ali, R.
Pubblicato in: WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019
Editore: Springer

Towards a framework for detecting advanced Web bots

Autori: Christos Iliou, Theodoros Kostoulas, Theodora Tsikrika, Vasilis Katos, Stefanos Vrochidis, Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES '19, 2019, Pagina/e 1-10, ISBN 9781-450371643
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3339252.3339267

Gender Differences in Attitudes towards Prevention and Intervention Messages for Digital Addiction

Autori: McAlaney, J., Arden-Close, E., Ali, R.
Pubblicato in: WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019, Pagina/e 806-818
Editore: Springer

The CE-IoT Framework for Green ICT Organizations

Autori: Hatzivasilis G., Christodoulakis N., Tzagkarakis C., Ioannidis S., Fysarakis, K., Demetriou G. and Panayiotou M.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Smart Circular Economy (SmaCE 2019), 2019
Editore: IEEE

An Ensemble Model for Short-Term Traffic Prediction in Smart City Transportation System

Autori: Zheng, G., Chai, W., Katos, V.
Pubblicato in: IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2019
Editore: IEEE

An Architecture for Blockchain over Edge-enabled IoT for Smart Circular Cities

Autori: Damianou A, Angelopoulos M. and Katos V.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Smart Circular Economy (SmaCE 2019), 2019
Editore: IEEE

Review of Security and Privacy for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

Autori: G. Hatzivasilis, O. Soultatos, S. Ioannidis, C. Verikoukis, G. Demetriou and C. Tsatsoulis
Pubblicato in: 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2019
Editore: IEEE

Problematic Attachment to Social Media: Five Behavioural Archetypes

Autori: Majid Altuwairiqi, Nan Jiang, Raian Ali
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Numero 16/12, 2019, Pagina/e 2136, ISSN 1660-4601
Editore: MDPI AG
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16122136

Pairing a Circular Economy and the 5G-Enabled Internet of Things: Creating a Class of “Looping Smart Assets”

Autori: Andreas Miaoudakis, Konstantinos Fysarakis, Nikolaos Petroulakis, Sofia Alexaki, George Alexandirs, Sotiris Ioannidis, George Spanoudakis, Vasilis Katos, Christos Verikoukis
Pubblicato in: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2020, Pagina/e 0-0, ISSN 1556-6072
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2020.2991788

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