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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Development of novel functional proteins and bioactive ingredients from rapeseed, olive, tomato and citrus fruit side streams for applications in food, cosmetics, pet food and adhesives


Dem Sektor der biobasierten Produkte den Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft bereiten

Die Nachfrage nach alternativen Proteinquellen und Phenolprodukten steigt weltweit. Darin spiegelt sich eine Verlagerung hin zu nachhaltigeren und gesünderen Entscheidungen wider, die durch Verbrauchspräferenzen und Umweltbelange bedingt ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wird sich das EU-finanzierte Projekt Pro-Enrich mit der Deckung dieser wachsenden Nachfrage beschäftigen. Schwerpunkte der Projektarbeit werden traditionelle Rückstände aus der Landwirtschaft wie Rapsschrot und Reste von Oliven, Tomaten und Zitrusfrüchten sein. Was bisher als Abfall galt, wird nun in wertvolle Ressourcen für Lebensmittelzutaten, Tiernahrung, Kosmetika und Klebstoffe umgewandelt. Diese gemeinsame Initiative vereint 16 Partner aus sieben Ländern, die die gesamte Bioraffinerie-Wertschöpfungskette abdecken. Insgesamt wird im Rahmen von Pro-Enrich auf die Isolierung und Reinigung von Proteinen, Polyphenolen, Ballaststoffen und Pigmenten abgezielt.


Pro-Enrich will develop a flexible biorefinery approach capable of processing a range of agricultural residues (rapeseed meal, olives, tomatoes and citrus fruits) in response to the increasing global demand for alternative sources of protein and phenolic product streams, tailored to the cross sectoral requirements of industry.

Pro-Enrich will optimise existing biomass fractionation technologies and validate novel extraction approaches beyond the current state of the art (from TRL2 through to TRL 4/5) to isolate and purify proteins, polyphenols, dietary fibres and pigments. The products being targeted are food ingredients, pet food, cosmetics and adhesives. These will be developed through an iterative process of feedstock mapping, laboratory process development, functionality/performance testing of samples by industry and pilot upscaling.

Pro-Enrich gathers the expertise of 16 partners from 7 countries, covering the entire biorefinery value chain and consisting of 8 SMEs, 5 large enterprises, 2 RTOs and 1 university.
The project facilitates supply chain building across different sectors, including biomass production and logistics; materials handling and processing, through to end-users. The project will engage and collaborate with key industry stakeholders from farming and biomass supply, processors and brand name owners.

Pro-Enrich produces detailed life-cycle, socio-economic and safety assessments to facilitate policy and decision-making by industry and the EU, inform and guide consumer acceptance and assist with regulatory compliance.

The outcome of Pro-Enrich will have a huge economical impact on the involved partners especially the industries and generate a large number of new job positions. However, the impact goes beyond the consortium by contributing to the BBI’s strategy for zero-waste processing in the biobased products sector, by addressing technical, commercial and environmental impact across the whole supply chain.


€ 866 340,30
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€ 866 340,30

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