Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SHIP2FAIR (Solar Heat for Industrial Process towards Food and Agro Industries Commitment in Renewables)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-10-01 al 2023-06-30
The main goal of SHIP2FAIR is to foster the integration of solar heat in industrial processes from the agro-food sector, by developing and demonstrating at four real industrial sites in Europe, a set of tools and methods for the development of industrial solar heat projects during their whole life-cycle, supported by a capacity building and awareness program addressing professionals, master students and policy makers.
The main objectives of SHIP2FAIR are to achieve a solar fraction up to 40% of the heat demand; to design simple solutions easy to install and operate looking for a negligible affection to the production of the users; to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the investment on SHIP providing also ad-hoc financial schemes and business models for different types of end-users; to carry out a complete demonstration program up to TRL 7 involving different sectors, processes and SHIP technologies, addressing the main challenges of the agro-food sectors; to generate a critical mass on SHIP through an integrated capacity building programme to increase awareness and train facility owners and workers as well as master students on SHIP technologies; and to exploit the untapped potential of SHIP in the EU by directly reaching 14 industrial sites during the project and preparing the ground for implementing 100 SHIP projects by 2027, thus contributing to the recovery of the European solar heating sector.
In order to fulfil these challenges a competitive consortium of EU leading entities has been gathered including 4 RTOs (CIRCE, CEA, LINKS and BEST) 2 Engineering companies (RINA-C and SOLID), 2 Solar Technology Providers (TVP and IS), the 5 agro-food companies already mentioned, 2 sectorial associations (EUREC and SCOOP) and one Utility (EDF), addressing the complete SHIP projects value-chain.
Among the main results in this Reporting Period is the design, commissioning and installation of RODA demo-site, in September 2019; which has been complemented with an ongoing optimization process to have the plant fully operative. The installation in RODA comprises a solar field and an absorption machine, so the solar field is used for cooling and heating purposes. Besides, great advances were developed in Martini & Rosso, were the TVP panels were installed, and the solar plant is being integrated with the rest of the production plant; which finished in 2020. Last demosite comissioned was Laurnadie-Canards d’Auzan, and the TVP panels installation which suffered some delays and a violent hailstorm.
Regarding the other solutions involved in the SHIP2FAIR project, overall, the Replication Tool and the Control Tool have fully developed and demonstrated. On the one hand, the four modules of the Replication Tool and their interactions were developed. The tool has been implemented succesfully in 14 industrial demosites, and has been demosntrated against the monitoring of the 3 demo plants realised in the project. D8.4 offers to the interested public the result of the 10 feasibility studies.
And on the other hand, the approach for the Control Tool, also module-based, has been further improved and each demo has been pre-assigned with their corresponding module level. The ICT supporting the infrastructure required to make an optimal solar heat process control has been deployed. New modules have been added to cope with specific demo site constrains and the first transmission tests have been carried out to test the Virtual Machine system.
Some activities regarding the education and training pillar have been developed. For instance, EUREC presented the proposal of master class, visits to the demo sites of the European Master in Renewable Energy and webinar series. In addition, a demo solar test loop is being built in Cadarache by CEA and TVP partners for dissemination and academic purposes.
Also, the project partners have engaged in promoting the project and their expected outcomes in different events. The dissemination and communication have been significantly increased during this period both in-person (when possible) and online events (conferences, presentations, posters, workshops solar-focused events, videos, radio interviews, press releases, etc.). Besides, several partners such as CIRCE, LINKS and BEST have published articles in scientific journals.
These results has been demonstrated and validated at TRL 7 in the demo-sites, including representative use cases of the agro-food sector like spirits distillation (Martini & Rossi), foie-gras production (Larnaudie), sugar boiling (RAR Group) and wine fermentation and stabilization (RODA Wineries).
One significant impact the successful development of the Control Tool and its integration with the solar plants. This tool enhances control strategies, optimizing solar heat production and integrating it with thermal energy storage systems. The Control Tool's adaptive nature, incorporating self-learning algorithms, allows it to adjust to changing plant configurations and operational conditions.
The lessons learned from the demonstrations and fine-tuning process culminate in a best practice guide. This guide benefits stakeholders involved in solar heat integration projects by providing recommendations, insights, and practical steps for successful implementation.
The project also conducted pre-feasibility studies using the Replication Tool that examined 10 practical use-cases in various sectors and countries, amplifying the project's impact. Overall, SHIP2FAIR's contributions were pivotal in advancing the practical implementation and widespread adoption of solar heating technologies within industries.
A concerted effort has been devoted to dissemination and expanding use cases. Partners have actively promoted the project and its outcomes at various events, achieving heightened visibility through in-person and online platforms, including conferences, presentations, workshops, and interviews.