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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems


Software und Hardware für neue Dimensionen des Hochleistungsrechnens

Vor dem Erreichen der Exa-Klasse müssen Hochleistungsrechenanlagen noch mehrere Hindernisse überwinden. Dazu zählen die Komplexität der für das Exa-Hochleistungsrechnen erforderlichen Infrastrukturen, die Zuverlässigkeit und die Problematik der Fehlfunktionen. Um diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, müssen Supercomputer leistungsstark und energieeffizient sein. Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts RECIPE besteht darin, eine hierarchische Infrastruktur für die Verwaltung von Laufzeitressourcen zu entwickeln, um die Energieeffizienz zu optimieren und das Auftreten von thermischen Hotspots zu minimieren. Darüber hinaus wird eine Methodik zur Vorhersage der Zuverlässigkeit eingeführt, um die Dienstqualität unabhängig von vorübergehenden und langfristigen Hardwareausfällen zu gewährleisten. Schließlich wird projektintern eine Reihe von Integrationsschichten bereitgestellt, die es dem Ressourcenmanagement ermöglichen, mit der Anwendung und der zugrunde liegenden Architektur zu interagieren.


The current HPC facilities will need to grow by an order of magnitude in the next few years to reach the Exascale range. The dedicated middleware needed to manage the enormous complexity of future HPC centers, where deep heterogeneity is needed to handle the wide variety of applications within reasonable power budgets, will be one of the most critical aspects in the evolution of HPC infrastructure towards Exascale. This middleware will need to address the critical issue of reliability in face of the increasing number of resources, and therefore decreasing mean time between failures.
To close this gap, RECIPE provides: a hierarchical runtime resource management infrastructure optimizing energy efficiency and ensuring reliability for both time-critical and throughput-oriented computation; a predictive reliability methodology to support the enforcing of QoS guarantees in face of both transient and long-term hardware failures, including thermal, timing and reliability models; and a set of integration layers allowing the resource manager to interact with both the application and the underlying deeply heterogeneous architecture, addressing them in a disaggregate way.
Quantitative goals for RECIPE include: 25% increase in energy efficiency (performance/watt) with an 15% MTTF improvement due to proactive thermal management; energy-delay product improved up to 25%; 20% reduction of faulty executions.
The project will assess its results against the following set of real world use cases, addressing key application domains ranging from well established HPC applications such as geophysical exploration and meteorology, to emerging application domains such as biomedical machine learning and data analytics.
To this end, RECIPE relies on a consortium composed of four leading academic partners (POLIMI,UPV,EPFL,CeRICT); two supercomputing centers, BSC and PSNC; a research hospital, CHUV, and an SME, IBTS, which provide effective exploitation avenues through industry-based use cases

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€ 705 000,00
20133 Milano

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Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 705 750,00

Beteiligte (7)