CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A Quantitative Approach for Smart Parking


Leichteres Parken in der Stadt

Es kommen immer neuere und günstigere Elektroautos und intelligente Autos auf den Markt, und viele ihrer Funktionen werden zunehmend digitalisiert und automatisiert. Dadurch ist der Bedarf an sicheren, effizienten und intelligenten Parkfunktionen bei neuen Autos gestiegen. In diesem Sinne hat das Start-up-Unternehmen Ubiwhere ein kostengünstiges und benutzerfreundliches System namens Smart Parking entwickelt, das einfache Verbesserungen des Parkbetriebs ermöglicht. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts QPARK ist es, aufbauend auf dem Erfolg von Smart Parking ein innovatives System einzuführen, das über die Grundlagen hinausgeht. Dieses System wird umfassende Berichte über stadtweite Aktivitäten erstellen und den Nutzenden so mehr Übersicht über den Verkehrsfluss und die Verfügbarkeit von Parkplätzen liefern. Durch den Einsatz dieser modernen Technologie will das QPARK-Team intelligentes Parken revolutionieren.


Ubiwhere has been commercialising a low-cost, seamless and straightforward-to-install system entitled Smart Parking, composed of vehicle-detection electromagnetic sensors and an intelligent software platform to collect and process all the data. Through this system, parking operators can enhance their ongoing operations by knowing in every instance what is happening and by analysing reports on the behavioural patterns detected by the platform, improving their operational and enforcement efficiency.

The potential market of Parking has increased the number of competing solutions in this sector (despite the lack of a market leader), composed of both ICT startups and well-established companies. With so many competitors, and taking into account that several cities have started to dismantle the spaces reserved for parking in their urban areas, Ubiwhere intends to enrich its Smart Parking platform with urban planning capabilities, unlocking a new business opportunity and consequently standing out from its competitors.

QPARK aims at up-scaling the current Smart Parking solution, enriching it with a new service (feature) that enables the generation of reports via a thorough analysis of which areas of the city are more affected by certain events and how that sudden increase in people affects the city traffic and the parking occupancy. The FET Open project QUANTICOL will support this what-if analysis by providing the necessary tools and mechanisms to advance in the problem space and provide useful knowledge quickly.

QPARK will allow Ubiwhere, a software company focused on Smart Cities and Communities, to disrupt the global market by enriching its solutions with urban planning capabilities, powered by complex adaptative systems developed in QUANTICOL.

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€ 100 000,00