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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Effect of Manifestations of Religion in the Public Space on Sociopolitical Integration of Minority-Religion Immigrants


Eine bessere Integration von religiösen Minderheiten

Jüngste Entwicklungen bei der weltweiten Migration von Völkern haben zur Entstehung von Modelltheorien beigetragen, die sich mit der Assimilation von Minderheiten in Aufnahmegesellschaften befassen. Zu ihren religiösen Bekundungen (Erscheinungsformen) in der Öffentlichkeit gibt es jedoch kaum empirische Forschung. Im Grunde genommen ist es unklar, ob derartige Manifestationen zu einer Akzeptanz beitragen oder eher Feindseligkeit gegenüber den Immigrantinnen und Immigranten wecken, die religiösen Minderheiten angehören. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ReligSpace wird mittels intensiver Forschung sowie Versuchen in städtischen Umgebungen eine neue Theorie zu den kausalen Auswirkungen aufstellen, die religiöse Manifestationen auf die Integration der Minderheiten haben. Wissen zu diesem sensiblen Thema wird eine harmonische Integration fördern sowie die Politik und Stadtplanung beim Treffen fundierter Entscheidungen unterstützen.


Recent globalization and immigration trends are motivating tremendous efforts to regulate manifestations of minority religions in the public space, such as religious structures, stores, attire, and rituals (hereafter, spatial religious manifestations). Yet the empirical literature has, to date, not taken on the methodologically and conceptually challenging undertaking of theorizing, operationalizing, and assessing this dimension of religion. In particular, it remains unclear what causal effect manifestations of religion in the public space have on minority-religion immigrants’ sociopolitical integration: do they, by validating immigrants’ identity, facilitate a sense of belonging and the endorsement of local practices, or nurture alienation and hostility toward the host society?
Integrating up-to-date theories and methods from political science, psychology, sociology, and geography, and optimizing external and internal validity, this project is the first large-scale research to examine the causal effect of exposure to spatial religious cues on sociopolitical integration, studying minority-religion immigrants of the three monotheistic religions in four urban settings.
The research will be divided into three work packages: (1) conceptualization and operationalization of spatial religious manifestations; (2) comparative naturalistic and survey-embedded experiments examining the effect of real-world spatial religious cues on minority-religion immigrants’ sociopolitical integration; and (3) a panel survey with longitudinal geocoded data analyzing the conditions in which spatial religious cues are particularly instrumental in local-level integration.
Besides developing a novel approach to the study of religion in politics, this project will open new horizons in the understanding of aggregated religious priming effects in real-world settings, with insights into the dynamics that would advance a more inclusive society via nuanced policies and informed urban planning.



ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 499 625,00
91904 Jerusalem

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 499 625,00

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