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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Concepts, theories and models for planning , operating and evaluating the dynamics of Mobility as a Service

Descrizione del progetto

Valutare le dinamiche comportamentali della mobilità come servizio

La mobilità come servizio (MaaS, Mobility as a Service) è un nuovo modello di trasporto basato sulle esigenze di mobilità dei viaggiatori che cambia drasticamente la mobilità urbana grazie a una combinazione di servizi di trasporto offerti da fornitori sia pubblici, sia privati. Tuttavia, essendo gli attuali modelli di trasporto basati sul concetto che l’atto di viaggiare è legato a una modalità di trasporto o pubblica o privata, le teorie esistenti non sono in grado di definire le dinamiche e le interazioni comportamentali relative alla domanda e all’offerta sul mercato. Il progetto CriticalMaaS, finanziato dall’UE, intende stabilire nuovi modelli comportamentali delle tendenze da parte di viaggiatori e fornitori che verranno utilizzati per studiare pratiche emergenti, fasi di transizione e concetti di massa critica. Il progetto valuterà e testerà indagini, osservazioni ed esperimenti condotti da diverse parti interessate per creare innovazione dal punto di vista teorico e metodologico nella modellizzazione dei trasporti.


Online marketplaces enable in the travel context the dynamic matching of supply and demand. The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from an ownership model to Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

Existing transport models are designed with the premise that transport consists of either fully scheduled and controlled fleets or individual privately owned vehicles. Since MaaS breaks the conventional division between individual (ownership) and collective (usage) travel alternatives, existing theories and models of travel behaviour, transport network and operations cannot explain the behavioural dynamics, interactions and evolution of both supply-side and demand-side of the marketplace.

This research program develops and tests theories and models of transport network in the domain of two-sided mobility market.

CriticalMaaS will produce a set of new behavioural models of traveller and supplier choices in transport marketplace settings. The supply- and demand-side dynamics and their interactions will be mathematically formalized and developed in both network flow distribution and agent-based modelling frameworks designed for the analysis of their co-evolution. Models will be used to study emerging patterns, transition phases and critical mass concepts by testing the conditions required for generating economies of scale in market adoption and evolution of MaaS.

Models will be estimated and validated using a series of surveys, choice experiments, laboratory experiments, observed behavioural data from on-demand services, focus groups and interviews.

The proposed research efforts will result with several theoretical and methodological breakthroughs in the field of transport modelling. In addition, the research program will make methodological and empirical contributions to the field of travel behaviour as well as insights into the dynamics of a two-sided (mobility) marketplace.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Istituzione ospitante

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 443 250,00
2628 CN Delft
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 443 250,00

Beneficiari (1)