CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Safeguarding Cell Fate by Terminal Repression during Development and Disease


Welche Rolle spielen Regulatoren der Zellidentität bei der Entwicklung und Krankheiten?

Die molekularen Hauptregulatoren, die Gennetzwerke während der Entwicklung aktivieren, wurden gut beschrieben, während es noch immer kaum Informationen zu den Mechanismen gibt, die alternative Zellschicksale terminal unterdrücken und die Zellidentität sowie -funktion bestimmen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SafeFate wird zeigen, dass die aktive terminale Unterdrückung ein universeller Mechanismus ist, der die Zellidentität bestimmt. Aus einer kürzlich gemachten Entdeckung des Teams geht hervor, dass der neuronenspezifische Transkriptionsrepressor Myt1l für die neuronale Zellidentität essenziell ist, da er nichtneuronale Programme in Neuronen unterdrückt. SafeFate untersucht, ob es eine charakteristische Gruppe aus terminalen Repressoren gibt, die verhindern, dass sich alternative Abstammungslinien entwickeln. Letztendlich möchte das Projektteam eine Möglichkeit zur Bekämpfung von Krankheiten finden, die mit dem Verlust der Zellidentität verbunden sind, und Zellen für die regenerative Medizin umprogrammieren.


Cell identity and function requires both induction of desired genes and repression of unwanted programs. While master regulators that activate gene networks during development are well characterized, the mechanisms that terminally repress alternative fates remain poorly understood. Within this project, I aim to demonstrate that active terminal repression is a universal mechanism required to prevent loss of cell identity and disease.

We recently found that the neuron-specific transcription repressor Myt1l is essential to induce neuronal cell identity. Myt1l is expressed in virtually all neurons throughout life and its loss in mature neurons impairs neuronal gene expression and function, suggesting a role in maintaining cell fate. Unlike known repressors such as REST that specifically silences neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells, Myt1l represses many non-neuronal programs in neurons. I therefore propose that a new class of terminal repressor exists that continuously represses alternative lineages to confer and maintain cell identity.

Since Myt1l mutations often occur in autism and schizophrenia I will investigate how loss of terminal repression can contribute to these poorly understood but common mental disorders. This will require molecular and behavioural studies in human and mouse models. We will also investigate how a sequence specific terminal repressor biochemically interacts with general epigenetic machinery to continuously silence unwanted programs during neuronal reprogramming. Finally, we will test candidate terminal repressors in other lineages by loss and gain of function approaches to analyse whether terminal repression is a universal principle of biology. Ultimately this will provide insight into fighting diseases associated with loss of cell identity and to efficiently generate cells for regenerative medicine using reprogramming.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 761 489,00
69120 Heidelberg

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Heidelberg, Stadtkreis
Research Organisations
€ 1 761 489,00

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